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Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 @ 04:46am
I love a rainy night...
<B>Just an intro...</b> So, now I started to use totally untrue, non usefull titles for my journal entries it seems, hope you dont mind? ^^ Well.. am listening to music right now. It is nice, as always. I love music. What would I do without it?
I have just been sick for about.. oh well.. 2 weeks or more? But its alot better today.. and I have been working. I know, ewww, working sick at burger king! Hope I dont get fired for writing that ~caugh caugh~ but dont worry, its not like I would pass it on.. besides I was just doing dishes or picking up trash. Which reminds me, on fast food places, please, take away your own trash like recommended, thank you ^.~
<center><i><font color="red"> "Well I love a rainy night I love a rainy night I love to hear the thunder Watch the lightning When it lights up the sky You know it makes me feel good" </font></i></center>
<b>Memories of mom...</b> The small quotes you will see during this entry of mine is from a song named "I love a rainy night". The version I am listening to is sung by Eddie Rabbit. Really, its great, check it up <3 You might wonder why I choose that song to run over and over this night. Or maybe you dont care at all. Anyhow, no it aint raining. But it does make me think of my mother. She loved the thunderfilled nights. Especially during our visits in austria. Mom could stand out at the altan (not sure that word it right, its like a floor and a roof, but no walls, outside. Anyhow, she stod there when the thunder came in at night, just gazing out over our fields, the woods and endless views of mountains and grass, watching the thunderbolts pass trough the sky. It seemed to calm her. I love it too, its very beautiful. Mom could enjoy those little things to the fullest. I admired her for that, and loved her. <center><i><font color="red"> "Well I love a rainy night It's such a beautiful sight I love to feel the rain On my face To taste the rain on my lips In the moonlight shadow" </font></i></center> <b>An image..</b> Sometimes I wonder if we just hold a picture of people. Like if we look at them, their status or their looks and then just decide thats the way they has to be. Like we imagined them. What happens when we notice the picture we hold in our hearts are not real? It was just tampered with in adobe photoshop. Making us believe in something unreal? Lately I been having <u>ALOT</u> to think about. Nothing really of my buisness maybe, but somehow.. it just felt like an image for me started to fall apart, having its edges bent and broken. Messed up.. Was it an accident or is it simply the way it is, with purpose.. I would say more, but cant really talk about it directly.. just some thoughts of mine... hmm... <center><i><font color="red"> "Showers washed All my cares away I'd wake up to a sunny day 'Cause I love a rainy night Yes I love a rainy night Well I love a rainy night I love a rainy night" </font></i></center> <b>"Love actually.. is all around us"</b> I saw the movie "Love actually" today with a friend. Wanted to see it for some time and daddy just happened to rent it.. When they said in the beginning, what they said about "is all around us" I figured they are right. I mean, right now I been very gloomy, maybe it was hormones as my period was coming. Making me extra sensitive about everything. Anyhow.. I guess there is more love around than what sometimes it feel like. I do ask myself whats the point with living if there is so much sadness, I had alot of it lately and its chewing my heart away.. So was nice to be reminded that there is alot of beauty out there, if you let yourself see it.
If you havent seen that movie already, I suggest that you do. Really, it was surprisingly good. I rarely take the word of magazines and alikes when they say something is good.. But this time, it really was.. and was fun to see all famous actors and connect them to previous movies too hehe... <center><i><font color="red"> "I love a rainy night I love a rainy night I love to hear the thunder Watch the lightning When it lights up the sky You know it makes me feel good" </font></i></center> <b>A week full of plans</b> This week, even tho I normally am busy with compy stuff, well before this winter I was, I have full scedual... besides from thursday maybe.. tomorrow will go fish shopping, hang with a friend or two + sis, and then dinner at grandparents place... then we have thursday, a bit more dead, but I figured will try and sleep and then visit the cementary, maybe alone. or a friend tag alone. Would like my family to go with me, but they seem mostly sad about it. Just lit the candle and leaves.. I need more than that, so wont tell them, dont want them sad or guilty..... So saturday, work from 11-7, then celebrate a friends birthday, Chatrines, so going out.. which happens I do maybe twice a year XD so.. will prolly be this years last clubbing.. as I dont enjoy it that much.. and then, sunday.. i work.. hope i wont be beat tired... <center><i><font color="red"> "Well I love a rainy night It's such a beautiful sight I love to feel the rain On my face To taste the rain on my lips In the moonlight shadow" </font></i></center> <b>My Artistic death...</b> Alot of me lately seemed dead, while other parts not. I barely done anything artistic at all, which actually makes me sad. What am I gonna do to get my inspiration back? If I wanna work with art and design I need practise.... hmm.. I miss my online friends.. and roleplaying, but computers seem to make me restless and sad... I miss Hime, Chii, Dan and all the others I rokeplay and talk to on msn, yahoo and gaia.. I dont even roleplay.. imagine that! .... help me get my spark back.... please? <center><i><font color="red"> "Puts a song In this heart of mine Puts a smile on my face every time
'Cause I love a rainy night Yeah I love a rainy night Ooh I love a rainy night Yeah I love a rainy night" </font></i></center>
Posted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 @ 06:55pm
Dont Skip Meals!
I have to keep reminding myself not to skip my meals. Like today, I had practicly all day filled with things to do, as well as adding things I didnt even had planned. And all I had eaten was a small piece of coffe bread and a bun (unhealthy, I know, need to change that..). I took the small piece before heading out, thinking as Im not hungry why bother making breakfast?
First I was off to meet Bianca, a work collegue, to go giftshopping for my sister (who happens to be friends with Bianca). All that went nice and smooth, of course. It was nice. When done shopping we went for some coffe and a bun, to have before she starts her work. She had the evening shift. Which also was nice, different, sense I normally dont do that type of things..
When I almost got home, my cellphone rang. To my surprise it was Cissi! My bestest friend irl and she happened to be in town for a day to visit her family and had some hours spare. She was in the mall, which I had just left so I headed back, happily!
After some hours with her, I still was not hungry, her dad took meal at burger king and I sat talking to her. My tummy crumbling a little, but not enough to make me wanna spend 5dollars on junkfood.
~they did say they think they can get me a better job if I wanted! wohoo! will think about it~
Anyhow, we said good bye and we seperated. Once at home I chat some after having coffe (second time today, and I that rarely drink anymore) with daddy. I love times with him. We talked and I helped him with some junk that needed to be thrown out.
-I do realize this is just alot of babbling, but hey, thats my life XD you are more than welcome to come and help me make it more fun tho ^.~ -
After that he went to go work out. Thinking I should too, cuz I bought all these cool shirts yesterday and would be wicked if they fall a bit nicer on me, but after 10 minutes on the bike, pause to do some cleaning for the party I felt how my tummy just turned inside out. Bathroom next! .... I should of eaten, now i really dont feel well and I that was so happy XP
SO, eat darnit, eat.... <.< really... we all need it XP
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Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 @ 12:05am
Titleless Life
Life is sad. Deal with it, right?
Do you ever get the feeling that you werent made to live? No matter how hard you try, you just aint getting the right feelings with others?
I do. I feel that alot, on and off during many years. I try solve it. But yet, nothing. Has it to do that I aint trying enough, not tried with the right people or are some just not fitting in as well as others would? Sure, you have some nice conversations, a good time.. yet you dont feel any real connection. Not like you two would meet if it wasnt for that common connection in a distant friend?
I hope I can soon bring more cheerful entries anyhow, seeing as lately my life been rather sad. In other ways than my social life I meant. Well if anyone else feel like this, all i can say is to hang in there. I know I will, I have to.
Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 @ 10:57pm
Update - cancer - trips - work
I realize I did miss out on some good stuff that happened in my last entry. Like such as Rickard visiting ((Red-Zan)). A really super guy and he did make the week that past alot more pleasant. I lived more than usual and also took time off work. I did do me some good.
He and my family + sis bf also went on short cruise. It were lovely to just drop everything at home and relax being served.. Not to mention it werent as hot out on the water. Me and Rick also met this strange guy, wont get into details. But yea... oh and playing the slots machines for real.. I tell you, its not to compare to gaias slot machine XD
Today tho, we got to know that my mums cancer were more serious than we hoped, but we will get more information tomorrow.. kind of mean to do like that, string us along. Not kind! I got very clumpsy after that, did more then 1-2-3 mistakes at work and at home.. dropped things and such ^^;
I think my parents are handling everything well. Dads drinking unusual much tho, sis more grumpy.. mum are actually being calmer and kinder than normal. Me? am not sure, guess I am holding out well too, but have had much practise.
Have started to get tempted to rp and such again, just need inspiration. And am trying to find a fulltime work so I can give my parents more cash. Seeing as dad stays home with mum, doing work from home now and then, he wont get as much as he used to. I will try and practise hard on drawing and sites so maybe I can at least earn a little cash on it for them... hmm.. sound hard tho >.<
Anyhow, guess that is whats new for now.. ^^; hope will have some good news soon to share!
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Posted: Fri Aug 04, 2006 @ 10:05pm
Sometimes the news just are sad...
You know how it is, when life isnt going your way. When everything is so far of what you think it should be.
My love life always sucked, cause I always felt for guys who werent really real. Which is the biggest problem I guess, not that they are "wrong" but my heart and mind dont seem to like whats infront of me.
But somehow, all that dont seem to have much importance, even tho it might of have done my life a bit easier with someone near. With dad first getting sick and now mum I easy get distracted... I could never imagine that someone so close to me, that I admit I practicly hate twice a week or more, would have cancer (lung and brain). It feels really surreal.
I almost scare myself, with the changes in me. I still like same thing. But I am not rejecting tasting drinks as much as before, I notice I dress up more than I use to ((including showing interest for makeup, mostly lipstick but still)) which is very unlike me. I dont even react as hard to people touching me, which before bothered me super much. It is like all the brains in me just flow away. Well some would call it lightening up. But I just see myself not to care as much as before. Which I do care of cuz I dont want life to feel meaningless. Like what I do dont have meaning to me in the future... am I being weird now?
And it doesnt help when some I know, show care for me when my mind is trying to block it out.. or maybe its my heart thats tired of pain so it doesnt want to feel anymore? I am not sure.. maybe I am totally on the wrong track with my thoughts...
Anyhow, if I am away alot, or my mind seem scattered.. I just dont feel as good as before. I never really felt great, but now I feel my world is apart. I havent lost interest in anything or anyone. Just tired. And afraid I will be complaining too much ^.~
I do wish you all the best and long to hear and talk, as well as rp, with you again.
Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 @ 09:46pm
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Posted: Thu Feb 16, 2006 @ 07:56pm
Pet <.<
naeodin One day, you find a knock on your door. Curious you step outside to see two men in white labcoats. One is holding onto a box, another a letter. They don't introduce themselves, but wait for you to read the letter.Quote: To Vickster,
My name is Shy, from the Zero Three Zero. I am a scientist who is trying to bring back the fae to their former glory. Who are the fae, you ask? They are the old Sidhe, powerful beings who through time lost their gifts until they became no more than invisible pixies. Through the help of technology, magic as well as guardians, it is a time for new beginnings-- of new, powerful beginnings.
I have recently been approached by one of the guardians of the fae who suggested that you would be a good caretaker for a fae child. As they are reincarnated into their new selves, until they reach adult hood they really are just like normal children.
Except... more powerful.
Pi has offered the jar a gift on your behalf, a jade pendant. All transactions have been made, and along with this message, if you would please sign for the package that my man is holding out for you, the trade will be finished.
My address and phone number are written on the back of the business card. Should you have any queries, please contact me. Should something... strange happen to the jar, please come down for a visit.
And welcome to the Zero Three Zero. Welcome to the Zero Three Zero Fae project! Pisama has purchased a custom fae for you for Valentines, and soon you will be the proud guardian to a very powerful, very unique child! Below is the little RP that Pisama was involved in with the afore mentioned gift giving.
The journal has been set up in the guild, and an invitation as been sent as well!
For more information on the project, please head over to the thread! The people are more than welcoming-- and Pisama is waiting for your arrival as well!!Happy Valentines Day!! Quote: I enter to the store to be Shi, Hey shi i know a friend that is so good for jar guardian i have the little gift for the jar, i want give her for a valentin gift I take out of my pocket a small pendant of a jade dragon. here you have the gift

Shy stood there, typing up the latest report on the computer and paused, seeing Pi enter. He nodded. He knew this woman just vaguely, for he had not met her fae officially yet, and it was only through contacts that he knew she was growing up well.
"Good afternoon." he said, nodding his head. At her words, he smiled. Getting up, he reached for the jade dragon pendant, and peered at it curiously. Taking it from her with a quirk of a brow for permission, he stood there, nodding.
Yes. This would prove to be interesting.
"Thank you for the visit." he replied. "I'll... take care of it." he smiled.
All he needed were the contacts of this friend, and he'd look it up for her.
Valentines gift, hmmm?
Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2006 @ 03:31pm
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Community Member
Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 @ 08:10pm
Valentine Gifts
koolkittenclub Hi Vickster!! Looks like you've recieved a small package! Wonder what it holds...
 Keep hold of it, maybe by the end of the week it might of done something.. eek Happy Valentines heart Nya-san  You lucky dog. :3 Someone's sent you a Valentine. X3 Please direct link until Valentines' Day (Feb 14th). Hope you have a great Valentines' Day~! heart
Please come to the thread to visit as well! Neko Flurry V-Day EventHime Here is your little auction Meo certed and finished i hope you like her 3nodding

Nya-san  You lucky dog. :3 Someone's sent you a Valentine. X3 Please direct link until Valentines' Day (Feb 14th). Hope you have a great Valentines' Day~! heart
Please come to the thread to visit as well! Neko Flurry V-Day EventNya-san  You lucky dog. :3 Someone's sent you a Valentine. X3 Please direct link until Valentines' Day (Feb 14th). Hope you have a great Valentines' Day~! heart
Please come to the thread to visit as well! Neko Flurry V-Day EventStrayCatStrut Someone loves you!  You've recieved a Stray Cat Strut Valentines. It will open on February 14th. Please come by the thread when it does to name it.
 Freebee from Meo Yumes  Arafel Happy Valentines day from Dcorp! Direct link until valentines day. ^_^ Pika-Bunny Lucky you! Someone has sent you a Candy Gram... What is a Spritkin you ask? It's a little puff of magic that likes to inhabit enchanted items. These candies have been carefully made to attract the puffs so you can give them to the ones you love (or keep em yourself XD). You may eat the candy after the puff hatches on Valentine's Day (otherwise it might not get enough magic out of the candy before it hatchs). These puffs will always be puffs, never growing any larger since they are tied to the magic of the holiday. You can direct link until it hatches. Please remember to save the tags and host on your own server after Feb.14th <3 * heart Any Egg/LarvaPuff/All Stages items from the Wethkin Mini-Shoppe (click banner) can be used on the Spritkin & you may RP them with the regular Wethkin in the shop, as well get a Notebook if you wish heart *
~ Wethkin: Season Sprite shoppe Rules apply.
ExMythos Wow, lookit that! Someone must really be deeply in love with you! Please direct connect this Valentine until your Mini-Myth emerges on February 14th! When it emerges, be sure to visit the ExMythos brand Chocolate thread to be directed to the naming thread that will be made when all Mini-Myths are done emerging from their chocolates.