Completed Quests
Rawrela - 25/11 emotion_bigheart
Hot Mug of Coffee - 25/11 Thank you Alice (strawberryalice) heart
Adorable Spector Shoujo - 25/11 Thank you Chefy Anon heart
Casual Autumn - 29/11 emotion_bigheart
Peppery Pupil Student P - 06/12 Thank you Cierra (Fruit Topping) heart
Midnight Alpachica - 06/12 Thank you Cierra (Fruit Topping) heart
Peace out arms - 09/12 emotion_bigheart
Rawrela - 25/11 emotion_bigheart
Hot Mug of Coffee - 25/11 Thank you Alice (strawberryalice) heart
Adorable Spector Shoujo - 25/11 Thank you Chefy Anon heart
Casual Autumn - 29/11 emotion_bigheart
Peppery Pupil Student P - 06/12 Thank you Cierra (Fruit Topping) heart
Midnight Alpachica - 06/12 Thank you Cierra (Fruit Topping) heart
Peace out arms - 09/12 emotion_bigheart