After awhile she finally came to a small clearing with a tiny pond. Small plants were growling around and in the pond, and a large pointed rock lay horizontal near the waters as if acting like a bridge. A few small animals such as rabbits and a hybrid deer and moose combined were drinking from the pond’s waters. Wolfena cautiously made her way over to the other side of the pond, not wanting to scare the wild animals. ‘It seems non-poisnous...maybe one sip won’t hurt.’ she bent over the clear water and dipped her tongue into the cold water. She then began to drink as she realized the water was safe. She rested beside the pond feeling some refreshed.
‘Do I keep walking or do I stay here? Cause what if Zero is looking for me, and I keep moving? Well then that will be pointless. Use common sense, Wolfena, you know better than that. I’ll just wait here.’ She lectured herself as she let out a yawn and stretched.
A minute or so passed as she heard a rustle in the bushes ahead of her. Watching closely she seen a brown and white rabbit hop out, it looked at her, wiggled it’s pink nose and bolted off. ‘What was that about?’ she asked, but before she could come up with an answer, a loud twig snapping caught her attention. Raising up, she pinpointed the direction of the sound and watched.
Through the darkness of the forest, she seen two tall figures lurking around. Peering closer, Wolfena could make out the shape of humans and by their size they seem to be male. ‘Humans? I guess I’m not far away from civilization as I thought. I wonder if one of them may be Zero?’ She tried inching closer to get a better view of the two human men. Gaining a better view, as she stood ten or so feet away, she noticed the two men were hunters of some kinda and held rifles in thier grips. Wolfena ducked low as she watched the men as they searched through the forest. ‘I better get out of here, humans or not, hunters mean danger for any creature.’ She began backing up quietly and was about to turn around when the brown and white bunny hopped in her path.
‘Hey, move, do you not see the hunters?’ She raised her paw trying to scare the bunny into moving. It just looked up at her with brown eyes and wiggled it’s nose again before hopping around her in the opposite direction. ‘Hey...’ Wolfena watched the rabbit as it unawarely gained closer to the hunters. As it noticed the two tall beings, it quickly leaped into a nearby bush which created a loud rustling sound. The hunters snapped thier attention to the bush and raised their guns. ‘You stupid bunny...stay quietly in the bush. Or you get us both killed.’ Wolfena whispered in her head as she took small steps back and kept her attention on the hunters ahead of her.
“It’s probally nothing. A small rodent or something, lets start searching over there.” Said one man to his comrad. “Yeah, no use wasting valuable ammo on nothing.” His friend stated as they both began walking away. Wolfena let out a sigh of relief and turned around to go on off. But without realizing it, she stepped on a twig that snapped under her paws creating attention to herself. The two hunters turned and their eyes landed right on Wolfena. They stared in wonder for a few seconds as Wolfena stared at them, scared to what they were going to do. She wanted to run, but their eyes held her in place.
“Now that, that is a something worth shooting.” One hunter responded as he raised his rifle, pointed at Wolfena. As she seen the barrel of the gun, adrenaline pushed through her and she took off away from them. She heard the loud shots behind her, as the men began to pursue their new target. She increased her speed to gain a distance from the hunters as she ran deeper into the forest, thinking the darkness would be to her advantage.
Wolfena ran full speed through the dark forest, leaping over logs and maneuvering through the thick trees. She was panting hard now and her legs were growing weak. A lightning-fast bullet flew just past her ear, piercing the tree next to her. The blast made the wood splatter, which some struck Wolfena. Brushing the splinters off she still ran, trying to lose the pursuers. She took a quick left turn and ran even deeper into the forest. Taking a glance behind her, she noticed the hunters’ flashlights beating off the bark of the trees, searching for her. She took another turn and hid in some bushes. Trying to get a hold of her breathing, she watched the lights go past her and go further into the forest. ‘Oh please, please don’t find me.’ she whined silently, as she crouched on her stomach.
After a few minutes of hiding, Wolfena noticed the coast was clear and she took the chance to bolt. Running the opposite way, she escaped them. She took a quick sigh of relief and slowed her run to a jog. When she glanced back, her front paw slid on loose dirt which made her fall down a slippery slope. She landed hard on her side in a pile of leaves. Letting out a whimper she stood to her feet trying to brush off the pain. She shook her fur to rid the dirt and leaves that clung to her. ‘Gotta be more careful. I hope they didn’t hear.’ She told herself as she looked up the tall hill where she once was.
Hidden under the pile of leaves was a sharp trap that Wolfena didn’t notice until it was to late. Her right behind foot sprung the trap and clasped her leg, bringing the blood. Wolfena howled in pain as metal knives tore at her skin. She let out yelps as she tried removing the trap and freeing her leg. The more she moved, the more the pain was forced on her. ‘Help! Someone help!’ she barked.
“You not good at getting out of trouble are you?” asked a familiar voice from above Wolfena. ‘Tylon! Please help me! Get me out of this bear trap!’ Wolfena begged the flying imp. “s**t, that looks like it hurts.” he winced at the sight. “I would love to help, but there is no way I can move the blades without getting harmed myself. Sorry, girl, but your own your own. Don’t worry, it you’re the true owner then you shall live.” In a puff of smoke Tylon was gone. ‘Tylon! No don’t leave me!’ Wolfena stood shocked at her abandonment. She tried once again to free herself, but it just caused the pain to increase. She then began to whimper. A loud shot echoed through the air that made Wolfena jump. ‘The hunters! Oh no...someone please help me. Don’t let them get me, I can’t die. Not yet....Zero where...where are you?’ Wolfena’s eyes closed as the trap’s wound caused her blood lost which made her faint. Before she completely blacked out, she sensed another wolf’s presence along with something else.
As Wolfena awoke, she found herself laying on a soft substance. She raised her head to find herself in some kind of cavern with torches on the stone walls. The floor was carpeted with rugs and a large table stood in the middle of the cave’s room. The soft substance she was laying upon was a large pillow. ‘Huh? Where am I?’ she asked looking around amazed. She tried getting up, but her leg was still hurting. ‘Ow, that still hurts.’ She winced at the jolt of pain.
‘Master, She’s awake.’ Said a voice ahead of her. ‘Who are you?’ She asked seeing the shadow form step into the light. It was a large black wolf. One of it’s eyes was yellow while the other was seemed to be blue. ‘Lycian.’ he answered taking a few steps toward her. ‘Another wolf....’ She stated watching him. “You awake.” said another voice behind the black wolf. Wolfena looked up to find an large creature that shocked her. ‘Wha-what are you?’ She asked without thinking. ‘Master, her wounds are healing.’ Lycian told the large creature. ‘Hey answer me!’ Wolfena barked. The large creature looked at her. ‘P-please, tell me.’ She added quickly as the creature scared her. “Kaynes.” He finally said in a gruff voice.
The large creature was at least taller than six feet and held the body of some sort of satyr demon. He had curved demonic horns on his head and he too had the same eye color as the wolf. The large creature walked over to Wolfena and placed his hand on her back leg. She flinched at his touch but stayed still. ‘Did you save me?’ She finally asked, putting aside her fear of the creature. “Yes.” He answered. “You need cleaner bandages.” He ordered lycian to fetch him some clean bandages and then re-wrapped Wolfena’s injured leg. “The pain, does it hurt?” He asked looking at her. ‘Uh n-not as bad as it did. Th-thank you.’ Wolfena watched him as he headed over to a hand-crafted chest and pulled out a large blanket. “This will keep you warm.” He said as he placed the blanket over Wolfena.
‘Master, the hunters are near, I can smell them. Do you want me to attack?’ Lycian asked sniffing the air near the entrance. “No. They leave. If they attack then we attack.” He answered staring at the entrance. “Stay with her. I go fetch some water.” He ordered as he headed out.
‘Why do you call him, master?’ Wolfena asked Lycian. ‘Because he is. You should rest.’ The wolf laid down, staring at the entrance as to wait for Kaynes. ‘You’d think I’d be more surprised at seeing him. What kind of creature is he though?’ Wolfena asked herself softly so Lycian wouldn’t hear. She laid her head on the soft pillow and watched the air around her. ‘I should show more gratitude then what I did. He did save me after all. I wonder where Zero is?’ With that last thought, Wolfena drifted back asleep.
Morning came early for Wolfena as a ray of sunlight snuck into the cavern and lay upon her face. Groaning she awoke to find the cavern once again empty. Lycian and Kaynes scent still lingered fresh in the air. ‘Must’ve gone out or something...’ She stated rolling gently on her stomach. She moved her back leg and found it surprisingly healing slowly. ‘It’s healing....I wonder what he put on it to make it heal faster?’ She wondered to herself staring at her leg.
Taking in a breath she got up and tried walking. No pain shot up through her. Only a slight numbness feeling stayed. Wolfena nipped at the bandages to untie them. The bandages gracefully fell to the carpet floor and revealed a healing leg. The wound itself was gone and only a dried blood stuck to her fur.
“You really are ignorant if you are staring fascinated by your healed injury.” An annoyed voice said from above. Wolfena let out a growl as she looked up. ‘How dare you come back when you abandoned me! You stupid imp!’ she barked, snapping at Tylon. “I didn’t come back for you, I don’t give a rat’s a** what happens to you. I just care for that bracelet you obtain.” Tylon flew lower as he pointed to her right front leg. The blue ribbon chained bracelet still set on her wolf ankle just above her paw. ‘Then take it! It caused me grief since I obtained it!’
“Ignornat mutt. I can’t obtain it till it’s prophecy is complete or you die. Till then it’s stuck on you.” Tylon crossed his impish arms in annoyance. ‘Prophecy? What do you mean prophecy? What’s this have to do with me?’ Wolfena sat down, still staring at the imp. “Damn you are ignorant...” he sighed. ‘I get it! I’m ignorant! If your so annoyed then damn tell me already instead of insulting me!’ Wolfena snapped. ‘The more you fill me in, the more I will understand and less I’m ignorant.’
“I don’t have time to tell the story! You have any idea how less and less time we have!” Tylon argued as he flew around the cavern ceiling. ‘Then stop stalling and start talking! Why are you flying anyway?’ Wolfena watched him in curosity. “Flying calms me down! Look here’s the outline you mutt! You were entrusted with that bracelet to start the prophecy of Lunar Eclipse of the She-Wolf. Why Elinora trusted you, I still have no clue. I still think she wants to toy with me.” He let out a small growl-like sound. ‘Hey, keep to the subject! Cause I rather not have you insulting me cause you refuse to tell me.’ Wolfena cut in, snapping him from his rival memory.
“You’re wolf pals are returning...” Tylon stated staring beyond the cave’s entrance. ‘So? Still have time to fill me in.’ Wolfena pursued still trying to get him to talk. “You’re a self-healing lycanthrope, and that’s the lesson for today! Bye!” With a puff of smoke he was gone once again.
“An intruder. Friend of yours?” Kaynes asked sniffing the air as he entered. Lycian just let out a small growl. “Master it’s an imp.” Kaynes stared at Wolfena awaiting an answer. ‘Uh, he’s an aquantance, friend might be an overstatement...’ Wolfena finally answered avoiding his stare. “Your leg, it’s healed.” Kaynes bent down on his knees to check Wolfena’s leg. His large hands gently stroked her skin as to feel for the wound. “All healed?” He asked as he pulled his hand away.
‘Uh, yes. Thank you again.’ Wolfena still stared downwards to avoid his serious stare. “Good.” With that statement he raised all the way up and walked over to the wooden table to where a dead deer-like carcass now lay. “Here, food.” Kaynes chopped off a small piece of meat and placed it on the table for Wolfena to eat. ‘What is it?’ Wolfena jumped up on the large wooden chair and cautously sniffed the strange meat. “Food.” He answered chopping off another piece for Lycian. Lycian took the meat from Kaynes hands and began to shred the meat with his fangs. ‘But what kind of food is it?’ Wolfena asked again, watching the large creature cut up the carcass into smaller pieces. “Meat. Eat, you need strength.” He answered in his emotionless tone.
‘Lets try this but what kind of meat? What...creature did it come from?’ Wolfena again sniffed the meat. “The animal here.” he said patting what was left of the bloody carcass. ‘Yeah...I think that’s all I’m going to get, huh?” wolfena asked rhetoracally. Kaynes just gave her a curious glance. “Don’t understand.” His eyes still watched her. “Don’t worry about it.” Wolfena giggled as she raised her bravery to taste the meat. She licked the top layer and a unusual flavor filled her mouth. ‘This is pretty good, despite the fact I have no clue what it is.’ Wolfena dug her teeth into the meat and began to eat. “It’s meat. Food.” Kaynes responded. Wolfena just ignored his answer and enjoyed the juicy strange meat.
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The story and adventures of Wolfena, the character from Zero's book Fullfiller of Prophecies. Some of her adventures run together with Zero's so checkout his story to read farthur on in some scenes. ^_^
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Kokoru Okami
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