Yeh, so about 20 of us had a maths test on the 1st April. I won't say what the offending body's name is so let's just call it 'Cheddar and Gloucestershire'. Not just any 20 but the most able in the class. The test was broken into two parts. The first part we all did well at, proving we can do maths, us. ('Scuse the brainac reference)
The second part, we all did rather crap on. We failed for stupid reasons. Things like this:
Test: How long will you stay in Paris?
Candidate: 2 days?
Test: Oh wait, I want it in hours, you're wrong. You should have known that with your psychic mind-reading powers that I should know better than to assume you have.
Gold standard or not, as far as I'm concerned, Cheddar and Gloucestershire can go masturbate as far as I'm concerned.
Firlodge_the_second Community Member |