Squiggles by Sara Obscura <3

Venra Axel Prey decided to make our avi's into centaurs, deer centaurs no less!

A jmoof sketch

Here's an awesome commission drawn by Kay-Ken-Kun

Art is based on my avi alone or with my friends avi too.

Beautiful sketch by jmoof

Greteh drew this skinny chibi for me

Awesome little freeb from Vulm

Gorgeous piece by Hoary Puccoon. I adore how she transformed the character into an exotic dancer.


Tiny pixel art by Hardcore Uvula!

Another piece by Kay-Ken-Kun. I love the pose and expression, adds so much character!

Vynyl gave me this quick pic.

Beautiful headshot done by Kunoichi LOR.

Lineart chibi by Hazuya. Oh so cute!

This absolutely gorgeous piece was done by BodyFondler.
Probably one of my favourites so far, and the biggest surprise, I was expecting a chibi! <3

Art based on this avatar:

A headshot by Dragon

After my Easter avi.

Lince-x did another wonderful piece for me! <3 thank you so much!

and if the one wasn't enough he did a bunch of different versions!

A cute little headshot done by Neyul.

I received this fantastic piece from Dear Miss Ally!

Based on this avi:

Address Not Found made me an iPod avi.

Emaleya did this awesome headshot for me. (she wanted me to note that this was her first time using a tablet)
I think it looks fantastic! Thank you emie!

Cute little freeb from Merveilleux Cirque

Awesome art by Spiry.

Lovely art by Sabaku No Mimori

Xarenival did this beautiful peice for me. Line art and then coloured.

Based on this avatar:

Beautiful and sexy piece by | Vixen |

Based on this avi:

Fantastically cute chibi by Emmeleia

xchiiu did this beautiful headshot.

Adorable chibi done by mentallyhandicapped

Some smexy art by XMegantronX

Done after this avi:

Sketch by Cresent the grumpy bunny

Rinyuu did this pretty headshot.

Gorgeous sketchy headshot by crazypieloverangel

Super awesome gorgeous art and gift from Lince-x!

Based on this avatar:

Beautiful peice by Violet Hart. I love all the details in this one.

Oh the blinding cuteness!! Courtesy of Jupebox.

This one's pretty cool even though it's not entirely finished (as admitted by the artist), by Alexeroo.

Pretty profile. Thank you Emie!

A lovely headshot by lost in sugar island

All based on this avatar:

A freebie by Exregality, one of those oddly cute fsjals.

Based on this avi:

A wonderfully bright and shiny freeb by Enbarou

Based on this avatar:

An interesting freebie from Serandaria

And a pretty sketch by ll Kyouka Suigetsu lI

Both based on this avatar:

Some cute art of Emaleya and my avi. First by aubryelle and the second by Yuhno-Hyung.

Adorable chibi by Tapples

Based on this avatar:

A gift from Emaleya, thank you so much!
Art by Evanescent Wings.

Based on this avi:
