Lael Versailles, Prince of Elves
Age: Around 23
Approximate Height: 6'4
Approximate Weight: Refuses to Answer
Eye Pigmentation: Bright lime green
Hair Pigmentation: Recessing black; about half white. Black eyebrows.
Skin Tone: Extremely pale, perhaps albino
Race: Elf
Sex: Male
Choice of Artillery: Anything useful
Personality: Stern like the Captain of a ship. Maintains chaos amongst his race and that of others if necessary. Sometimes a bit of a vain person. Charming and flirtatious at the most inconvenient of moments.
Bio: Lael is a spontaneous harbinger of chaos. He acts recklessly and tends to alarm everyone with his motives, even if they turn out to be positive. Not too much is known about him aside from the fact that he is obviously from wealth and pretending to be nothing more than a commoner.
Gaia Tek Tek Appearances//Outfits Royal Garb

Commoner Garb//Lael's "In Cognito" Outfit

The Scandal//Lael's "Gotta Find An Inconspicuous Way To Sneak Into That House" Attire
Guardian Aira · Sat Feb 04, 2012 @ 10:40am · 0 Comments |