Rock on, Ancient Queen. Follow those who pale in your shadow
Well, it seems that I am posting here yet again! Aren't you just so proud of me?
xd Yeah, I'm kind of bored. I have no homework, but I guess that's one of the perks of being a senior. Oh, it's all nice out today! Finally, spring is here! Winter just sucks. Screw you, winter! I really can't wait until next week, it's our spring break. ^_^ I'm not sure what I'm going to do, but at least there's no school! ^_^ Oh, what I'm really looking foward to is Senior Skip Day. We don't technically get that day off, but the seniors all skip anyway. I mean, it's not like they can take our diplomas away just for skipping one day of school. If they even attempted that, the school board would have a million monsterous lawsuits on their hands. Anywho, on that day my best friend and I are going to hang out the whole day. As far as I know, we're going to go to IHOP for breakfast and that place just rocks.
Well, I think that's enough of my mindless babble, don't you?
smile Toodloo!
((time for random icons!!))