::After the meal, a group of elves began playing guitars, fiddles, flutes, drums, and harps. The table was cleared and the party moved into the open deck with a dance floor. The view overlooked the city and the star-lit sky could be seen through the leaves of the ivy that hung from the trusses overhead. Celdir and Remeli, along with many other couples, moved out onto the dance floor. Kari leaned back against the stone wall and watched them, smiling. They were so happy together...the perfect couple... She was so happy for her cousin. A warm breeze played through Kari's hair, causing her earrings to jingle and her dress to flutter a bit, the moonlight shimmering across the silk::
*Sane looks at Kari and moves over to her.* Kari... Would you care to dance? *Sane smiles and extends his hand*
::Kari, caught a bit by surprise, turned her gaze to Sane. She looked to his hand and then back to his eyes. She smiled:: Of course... ::She set her hand in his and followed him to join the other couples on the dance floor::
*Sane puts his left hand in hers and his right on her waist starting to dance slowly.* Kari... *Sane shakes his head and smiles* Nevermind...
::Kari moves with him subconsciously. She had learned all the formalities of the court while growing up with her cousin. Now it was all automatic. She looked in his eyes curiously:: What? What were you going to say?
*Sane turns a bit red.* I... I... I don't know Kari... It seems to have slipped my mind. *Sane laughs nervously and glances to the side. It was hard for him to say it, but Sane was begingin to fall for Kari... He looks back at her and smiles* I'm sorry I seem to be forgetful sometimes...
::She smiled cutely with her eyes closed:: It's alright, I know how that happens. I do that rather often. ::She laughed and opened her eyes once more and became lost in his, falling silent. Everything around them seemed to fade and it seemed as though they danced on air, or perhaps in the sky among the stars. She wasn't sure, only she knew that she didn't want to come back to reality. Drowning in the moment, she never wanted to awaken::
*Sane and leans in a bit his cheek brushing up against hers... He pulls away just a bit and straightens himself out. He chuckles a bit he was loving this... He loved her fluid motion when they danced together, the feel of her hand in his seeming like they were fit perfectly together. He closes his eyes for a bit and opens them up again looking into hers.*
::At the feel of his cheek against hers, a rush surged through her gut and she lost her pulse for a moment. When he closed his eyes for a moment, she felt herself come back to reality. The song sweetened and without knowing how or why, Kari found herself resting her head on Sane's shoulder. By the time she realized what she was doing, it was too late. She just went with it, rather enjoying the feel of being so close to him::
*Sane smiles and rests his head on hers taking in her sweet smell. He swallows hard, and feels his heart swoon. He loved her from that moment... He knew that he did... Yet he was afraid to admit it to her in fear of getting hurt. Instead he smiled and enjoyed the moment they had now.*
::Kari could swear she felt her heart grow wings and fly from her chest that moment. She wasn't sure why he made her feel this way, but she didn't want it to ever go away. Her heart sank as the song came to a close and ettiquette forced her to step back from him and courtsey, though her hand seemed to not want to leave his. Instead, she left it intwined and led him out along an empty side balcony. They could still hear the music in the distance, and the view of the falls was breathtaking. The starlight gleamed in her eyes and she turned to him, not sure what to say::
*Sane looked into her eyes and whispered softly.* It's romantic out her don't you think Kari? *He looks at her holding his hand and smiles.*
::She blushed a bit and lowered her gaze a moment, her fingers still entwined in his. She then turned her eyes to the scenery:: I love this valley at night...
*Sane tips her chin towards him and smiles leaning in his kisses her softly and than quickly pulls away when he realizes what he's done.* Oh... I... I didn't mean to... Forgive me if I have offended you Kari...
::Kari felt her cheeks flush at the touch of his lips. When he pulled away and apologized, she searched his eyes and her own feelings. Acting on what she found in her own heart, she placed a hand his cheek and stepped into him, meeting his lips again::
*Sane starts to pull away but thinks twice and kisses her back. As the kiss ends Sane smiles and plays with her hair.* Kari... you have bewitched me...
::Her arms resting wrapped around his neck, Kari smiles, gazing up into his eyes. She laughed quietly at his words:: Nay, my heart...I believe it has been the other way from my eyes...
*Sane closes his eyes for a second taking in her words.* Kari... *He kisses her again and than strokes her face.*
::Before Kari could respond, Remeli appeared and called to Kari:: Valkrie! Your loyal fans call for you to play for them!
::Kari laughed and nodded, then turned back to Sane:: Come, I have some business to take care of. ::She led him back to the dance floor, where a cheer arose at the sight of her reappearance. She smiled, nodding to everyone, and released Sane near the front of the crowd. Terah brought her a beautiful fiddle of dark wood, trimmed in ebony. She took it and thanked the girl, then looked to the band. They nodded back, signaling that they were ready. A hush fell over the crowd. Kari pulled the bow across the strings, playing a slow, sweet melody for a few minutes. A sly grin crossed her face and the band jumped in, picking up the pace. She jumped into a quicker tune, and the crowd broke loose. The host of elves spread out onto the dance floor, laughing and cheering while the half-elf maiden put all of her joy into the music. By the time the song ended, Kari was worn out and a loud roar arose from the crowd. She moved over to Sane, a broad smile across her face::
*Sane clapped his hands like a little kid.* Kari... That was beautiful... I never knew you could play the fiddle... I was mesmorized by your music... *Sane grins* You must be tired though... By the looks of it...
::Kari nodded, completely exhausted. Remeli appeared beside her, grinning:: Val, that was spectacular!
::She smiled back and bowed slightly:: Thank you, Remi...
::The empress saw the weariness in her cousin's face:: You look tired. If you wish, I can have Terah escort you to your room?
::Kari nodded and the young elf girl appeared and led the two up the stairs and into the private quarters. She showed them to a large room with many furnishings and a balcony. The girl disappeared, closing the door behind her. Kari set the fiddle in it's case, an intricate wooden box lined with apholstered satin. She closed it and ran her hand lovingly over the cover, on which was carved elvish runes::
*Sane raises an eyebrow not missing a beat...* What do those say... do you know? *Sane looks at the case with curiosity.*
::Her eyes still fixed on the runes as she traced them with her fingertips, she replied:: This was my mother's... It says "For every heart, there is a song...for every song, there is a soul...for every soul, there is match... No one is ever truly alone..." ::Kari turned around to face Sane:: She believed in a unity among life... that all living things are connected in spirit... ::She trailed off thoughtfully. Returning to the moment at hand, she spoke again:: Would you care to have a room of your own arranged for you? Or will this arrangement be fitting enough?
That's pretty... *Sane raises an eyebrow again... and smiles.* Are you asking me to sleep in here with you? Or am I hearing this and my dazed mind mistook them for something else... *Sane looks at the ground bright red.*
::She laughed, remembering that he was not used to such things:: It is the ordinary, among my people. I assure you we both shall be fully clothed, my dear Sane!
*Sane turn even more red.* Of course I didn't know your customs... I thought... Oh nevermind... I shall be glad to sleep here. It'll be just liek on our jurney here... Except I won't be on the ground. *Sane laughs*
::She smiled and pointed to a changing screen against the far corner, a set of silk pajamas folded neatly on a chair next to it:: There are you nightclothes. You can change first.
*Sane smiles and goes behind the screen taking the pajamas with him and changing in a few short minutes... He pokes his head out and walks out his clothes folded he puts his clothes on the chair and smiles.* I'm all done... I guess...
::Kari moves behind the screen and quickly changes into a white silk nightgown. Emerging from behind the screen, she hangs the dress up and takes off the necklace, bracelets, ankle bands, headpiece, and earrings, leaving on the armbands. She sets the jewelry on the dresser and blows out the candles. The room goes dark with the exception of the moonlight shining in from the balcony. Kari moves to the bed and climbs under the blankets, settling in, completely exhausted::
*Sane smiles and climbs in as well.* It was a long day today... I'm pretty tired. But it was fun though... I enjoyed myself... But most of all I enjoyed your company. You must teach me of Elvish customs tommorow... I want to know all I can. *Sane yawns covering his mouth with his hand*
::Kari managed a tired 'mmhmmm' before she was completely asleep, home again at last, and knowing that he was near...::
*Sane closed his eyes aswell. He smiled in his sleep as her dreamt of her... The one he loved truelly in his heart.*
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