on monday a new kid arrive iin our class (i was sick the whole till friday)so met him on friday his names benjmen him and sebah were both pissing me off buy talking crap about llama's and sebah said he was going to eat the llama's i cuaght up to sebah in the hallway and push him ( mrgreen ) i know not very nice but who ever said i planed on being nice well banjman came up too me and talked carp about llama's and ran ijust stood there thinking of the best way to hurt him while he ran away but his running came to a stop when he ran into a gr1 unfountaily it was kristina's reading buddy and kristina had just saw what had happened and started to chase him i left at that point an went to hang out with casssandylaur(cassie,me and laura) and now it's suday and i have to make and coulor and edit a 20 page story! gah! gonk well i got to go work on this crap story im problem not going to get done sweatdrop