I'm sooooo freakin' stressed from my english class. No not my Literature class, my ENGLISH class! God damn it! My professor cussed at me yesterday just because I missed a few of his classes. I was sick the other time and the recent one is because I had to go to the dental clinic. xp I felt like I wanted to punch him in the face!!! I know! That's a bad idea!!! But I was really feeling the need to do it! But shgnwgn calmed me down and told me that I can do everything in time. Just need to go step-by-step (there was a show called Step-By-Step... if you ever watched it as a kid.. I know that I did... that was a long time ago)
So here I am, sitting in shgnwgn's computer work place and I'm going to have to go to MARC at around 3 or 4 pm because the building closes at 5 pm. I don't want to go there because sometimes... there are freaky Chuuk and Yapese guys just standing around and doing nothing in there.
shgnwgn just came in to take his Gameboy Advance SP... to play with it of course!!! xp Oh and I think he was a little shocked when he saw me in the I.T.C. building. Just typing away in my Gaia Journal. I was suppose to be at the MARC building and finding sources for my research paper... but NO! I'm in the I.T.C. building doing my own THANG!!! xd I don't like it when my boyfriend worries about me soooooooo much! I mean it's not like he's going to fail the class. I am! Because it'll be all my fault. But I'm going to strive to get at least a B in all my classes! An A+ will be even better than ever!!! 3nodding But I have to go step-by-step. EEEEiish!!! xp
Scary, isn't it??? eek
I didn't get to see my classmate there. I think she got shocked from what our professor said the other day. That wasn't right of him to cuss to her and to me like that. scream Even though it was our fault for not turning in our homework on time. I was sick and had a denist appointment. I don't know my classmate's story of it all. But yeah. xp
I have soooo much things to do and so little time to do it! I bet you're all wondering why I haven't gone to the MARC building yet... well... it's because I'm typing in my Gaia Journal...
Do you see a pattern here? I'm making excuses so that I won't have to photo copy any of the sources I need for my reseach paper. xp I'm sooooo bad!
PLUS!!!! I'm NAUGHTY because I'm really, REALLY HORNY and my boyfriend told me that I can't fool around with him because I have to be finished with all my school work first then I can really fool around with him. w00t! xd
Well... I'll be baaaaaaaaack!!! Just need to go to the MARC building now... well... after I pee in the bathroom. Hehehehehehe! You didn't really want to hear that did you? redface
Right after I did some work at the MARC building (researching for my english class), I went to the I.T.C. building and saw shgnwgn talking on the phone with a customer and boy! Did he look serious or what?! eek I was just thinking to myself that he has a awful looking face there while he was talking on the phone with his customer. Sheesh! I tell ya... sheesh! xp I'm not THAT serious and I'm glad that I'm not THAT serious. Maybe I will be when I get a important job someday. sweatdrop
My shgnwgn is soooo hardcore! 3nodding
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