Dear World
Dear World,

Here I am, once again, writing that same old song. You know the oneabout my old guy, the one I really loved Who left me behind to look at his back as he walked away with my friend. At my christmas party he thought I would laugh to see him and her kiss. The truth, though of the matter is I kept my eyes dry til just after he left. I dissappeared to my room for a minute or two and in that time the tears fell
Then I dried off my eyes And held my head high and back out to the party I went.
It was so hard to keep walking foreward, to never look back. I'm tired of keeping secrets for myself and My friends but some things are not meant to see other's eyes. So I'll sit for a minute at this computer and cry while I'll wish to be taken so far away where i won't be a burden And won't be in the way. But don't worry about me. I know where I stand. I'm not pretty. I'm ugly. And no one loves me for who I am.
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