here is what I've gotten done <I may regret posting some of these, for, the recipitants may read my journal! ~Le` Gaspe`!~
These are all in the order I draw them. I still have so many PPL to go!!! sweatdrop
The pic I'll be giving out the most (For the PPL I have no other idea what to draw for them...)

katie (She was just too easy!!!) Shesshy has no shirt xd in the freezing cold! He's also a younger virson of Fluffy-san. So Katie (demon form... yes, I took the liberty of drawing her as a demon 3nodding ) Has a gift for him... heart A cozy sweater! (He has a present too, it was goanna be for Rin-chan, but then Katie-chan came and snached-up her man... er demon... dog... bishi. xd )
I drew Fluffy on memory only, so I bet a lot of things are worng... Ehh! The ears! There too long! ~panic~ Wait... It's a younger Shesshy, mabye he did once have long ears... but they got shorter... yes, I'll go with that! ~glee~

For My Ane-ue heart (a.k.a. Chayne) It came out a tad smaller then expted. And that was suppost to be Kikyou ~pout~ Ou well, I'm sure Ane-ue will love it!
Although, this VIR isn't compleated quite yet... ~goes off to edit~