:1st topic:
Pick One:::
1) Long Life or Short Love? Long life
2) Good Dream or Bad Reality? Good dream
3) Intellect or Beauty? Intellect
4) Love or Money? damn...I don't care about either sweatdrop
5) Friends of Family? Friends
:2nd topic:
1) Person in the World? um....dunno
2) Artist? Da Vinci
3) Writer? Laurell K. Hamilton or Anne Rice (think I like vampire novels?? Naw)
4) Type of Food? Chinese or Italian....SUSHI IS SO AWESOME! >.>
5) Expression? What, words?? OK...erm "Freedom of speech is the right to shout 'THEATRE' in a croweded fire." -Yippee Proverb
6) Hobby? reading ( a dork)
7) Website? not a comp I'll say this one ninja
Class? Health Occupations.
9) Moment? O.o
10) Sport? ick.
:3rd topic:
Would you/Have you ever:::
1) Go dancing in the rain? ******** yeah...with Mayo.
2) Sleep with a stranger? Like in a bed or actual sex? Probably to both. sweatdrop
3) Get a tattoo on a dare? oh hell ******** yeah :nod:
4) Cry over someone? no.
5) Listen to a strangers problems? yes....the ******** good samaritan that I am.
6) Give to charity if you got rich? yes...always
7) Streak? yep yep!
Skinny-dip? yep yep
9) Love someone you barely knew? no...never
10) Sing on tv? god no!!!
:4th topic:
Love, Lust...Have you ever???:::
1) Had sex? NO
2) Fallen in Love? No
3) Had your heart broken? no
4) Who is your ideal man / woman... What are they like? don't exist
5) Have you done anything sexual with out ever having sex (traditional sex? (ex: oral) noperz
7) Met your perfect match? haha...hell no.
Daydreamed about someone constantly? no
9) Worn lingerie for someone? Do I seem the type??
:5th topic:
What was your worst/best:::
1) Kiss? none
2) Food you've ever tasted? shrimp...yummy.
3) Show you've ever watched? none
4) Dream you've ever had? none
5) Person you've ever met? Candace and Mary.
6) Thing you've ever done? None. I'm useless. 3nodding
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If Edward and Bella Cullen were standing on the edge of a cliff, 90% of Americans would freak, 9% would yell JUMP! If you're the 1% who would give them a final push, put this in your signature
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