Today is a sad, sad day my friends. For you see, a most heinous and despicable crime has been committed! A crime which has breached the very trust that is needed to maintain a calm civil society. A society that is not full of rampaging apes mindlessly beating the crap out of each other as they struggle over who gets the last banana. Today my friends, those bastards had the nerve, nay I say, the audacity to break into my crapy a**, broken down, wheels ready to fall off, piece of s**t, car!!! Not ONLY did they break into it, they drove off with it! Those SOB’s drove off with MY car! MINE!!! With it was my beautiful black hard covered sketchbook (which I loved Oooohhh so very much), my art portfolio (which contained more art supplies), CD’s (one of which I bought in Spain), and probably most importantly MY WALLET (containing my drivers license and social security card).
Now why they would steal my car, a car that was on the brink of death, a car whose breaks where ready to give at a moments notice, I don’t know. Especially when there were far better cars right next to it that were, in all probability, in far better condition including a car of the same make and model with its car doors acctually OPEN. My car didn’t even appear to be in good condition! The hub caps had been kicked in and had a hole in it!!!
So yes, I discovered my car missing about 9 pm today. I had just gotten out of my political science class at sac city and began walking to my car. I had parked across the street in landpark and it was dark. I could barely see the vehicles. As I walked along the side of the road looking for my car I realized that I had walked way to far. So I continued to walk back and forth looking for my 89’ Toyota Camry only to discover in great horror that it was gone! No, I’m not some stupid idiot who forgot where he parked. It really was gone. So as I realized this I called my dad, to which I was delightfully surprised to find him more concerned about THE GOD DAMN ******** KINGS GAME THAN MY CAR!!!!!!!!! He called the authorities and I began to walk to my friend’s house in the Midtown area. At which point I didn’t really give a damn about the car anymore, seeing as how it was a piece of s**t anyway (but still better than a lot of other cars, yup it wasn’t an American made car), but I was more pissed off about the things I had in the car being taken. They probably where worth more than the car its self (which doesn’t say much). GIVE ME BACK MY SKETCH BOOK BITCHES!!! I also then realized that I only have liability on the car so I get absolutely NOTHING from insurance! ********! Hmmm . . . Interesting fact I just found out. Apparently my car, the 1989 Toyota Camry is the most stolen vehicle in the U.S. Anyway, hopefully they’ll find it soon because otherwise I’ll be taking the bus to prom. Yippee!
I hope the breaks give out and those bastards die. ********!
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