It began with just a few of the paper hats, but now I'm in love with them all. Trash hats only, as the fish hats as a whole do not tickle my fancy. I'm sure I can get all of these on my own time, so this about keeping track of my hats more than anything else. Feel free to throw trash my way or offer to sell cans, but humoring me is really all I need. Thanks!
7-29: I have every hat but the tin hat! Woo!

My little link banner for my odd little quest.
Total Hats: 24
Hats I Have: 23
-The Grand Hat-

Tin Hat
Cost: 5,000 cans
I Have: 2206 cans as of 11-27
The Holy Grail of trash hats, as it were. Yes, I have every intention of wearing that hair with this hat.

A meter of my progress to give me hope.
heart Thank you to Silverah for 4 cans!
heart Thank you to Ivy for 32 cans!
heart Thank you to Ithi for 21 cans!
heart Thank you to Efte for 19 cans!
heart Thank you to Sosi for 4 cans!
heart Thank you to Terrenity for 121 cans!
heart Thank you to Syrie for 5 cans!
heart Thank you to Merci' for 84 cans!
heart Thank you to Manda for 7 cans!
heart Thank you to YvetteEmilieDupont for 4 cans!
heart Thank you to Ms. Peaches for 10 cans!
heart Thank you to Silver Water Dragon for selling me 1360 cans!
-The Rubber Hat-

Tire on my Head
Cost: 500 tires
I Have It!
Should I ever fall down a hill, this will surely both protect my noggin as well as help me accidentally win a land speed record.
-The Newspaper Hats-

Newspaper Combover
Cost: 50 crumpled newspapers
I Have It!
While not exactly stylish, it would liven up a bad hair day.

Old Newspaper Combover
Cost: 50 old crumpled newspapers
I Have It!
While not exactly stylish, it would be a chance to wear history.

Dirty Newspaper Combover
Cost: 50 dirty crumpled newspapers
I Have It!
While not exactly stylish, it would give me an interesting smell.
-The Newsprint Hats-

Newsprint Stars
Cost: 100 crumpled newsprints
I Have It!
Very cute and quite useful for holding up halos.

Newsprint Fro
Cost: 50 crumpled newsprints
I Have It!
It rustles with a funky beat.
-The Xerox Paper Hats-

Paper Headbands
Cost: 50 crumpled xerox papers
I Have Them!
A simple and often colorful way to keep sweat off the brow.

Paper Shade Hats
Cost: 75 crumpled xerox papers
I Have Them!
A lightweight alternative to regular hats on a sunny day.

Paper Catbands
Cost: 100 crumpled xerox papers
I Have Them!
Feeling feline and good at origami? Make yourself some paper ears and share your cat side with the world!
-The Paper Bag Hats-

Paper Cap
Cost: 50 crumpled paper bags
I Have It!
When you need a cap to tip and have just gone grocery shopping, this is the hat for you.

Paper Hoodie
Cost: 100 crumpled paper bags
I Have It!
Good for hiding under a bag while you'd still like to see out.
-The Construction Paper Hats-

Paper Crown
Cost: 75 crumpled construction papers
I Have Them!
A bright way to be king for a day. Warning: may cause rhyming.

Paper Spiky Hat
Cost: 100 crumpled construction papers
I Have Them!
The most comfortable way to discourage birds from landing on your head.
heart Thank you to my beloved Fiern for my red crown and blue spiky hat!
heart Thank you to Kaho-kun for 34 goldenrod xerox papers!
heart Thank you so much to Sosiqui for a Tire on My Head, 50 goldenrod xerox papers and 40 red construction papers!
7-29: I have every hat but the tin hat! Woo!

My little link banner for my odd little quest.
Total Hats: 24
Hats I Have: 23
-The Grand Hat-

Tin Hat
Cost: 5,000 cans
I Have: 2206 cans as of 11-27
The Holy Grail of trash hats, as it were. Yes, I have every intention of wearing that hair with this hat.

A meter of my progress to give me hope.
heart Thank you to Silverah for 4 cans!
heart Thank you to Ivy for 32 cans!
heart Thank you to Ithi for 21 cans!
heart Thank you to Efte for 19 cans!
heart Thank you to Sosi for 4 cans!
heart Thank you to Terrenity for 121 cans!
heart Thank you to Syrie for 5 cans!
heart Thank you to Merci' for 84 cans!
heart Thank you to Manda for 7 cans!
heart Thank you to YvetteEmilieDupont for 4 cans!
heart Thank you to Ms. Peaches for 10 cans!
heart Thank you to Silver Water Dragon for selling me 1360 cans!
-The Rubber Hat-

Tire on my Head
Cost: 500 tires
I Have It!
Should I ever fall down a hill, this will surely both protect my noggin as well as help me accidentally win a land speed record.
-The Newspaper Hats-

Newspaper Combover
Cost: 50 crumpled newspapers
I Have It!
While not exactly stylish, it would liven up a bad hair day.

Old Newspaper Combover
Cost: 50 old crumpled newspapers
I Have It!
While not exactly stylish, it would be a chance to wear history.

Dirty Newspaper Combover
Cost: 50 dirty crumpled newspapers
I Have It!
While not exactly stylish, it would give me an interesting smell.
-The Newsprint Hats-

Newsprint Stars
Cost: 100 crumpled newsprints
I Have It!
Very cute and quite useful for holding up halos.

Newsprint Fro
Cost: 50 crumpled newsprints
I Have It!
It rustles with a funky beat.
-The Xerox Paper Hats-

Paper Headbands
Cost: 50 crumpled xerox papers
I Have Them!
A simple and often colorful way to keep sweat off the brow.

Paper Shade Hats
Cost: 75 crumpled xerox papers
I Have Them!
A lightweight alternative to regular hats on a sunny day.

Paper Catbands
Cost: 100 crumpled xerox papers
I Have Them!
Feeling feline and good at origami? Make yourself some paper ears and share your cat side with the world!
-The Paper Bag Hats-

Paper Cap
Cost: 50 crumpled paper bags
I Have It!
When you need a cap to tip and have just gone grocery shopping, this is the hat for you.

Paper Hoodie
Cost: 100 crumpled paper bags
I Have It!
Good for hiding under a bag while you'd still like to see out.
-The Construction Paper Hats-

Paper Crown
Cost: 75 crumpled construction papers
I Have Them!
A bright way to be king for a day. Warning: may cause rhyming.

Paper Spiky Hat
Cost: 100 crumpled construction papers
I Have Them!
The most comfortable way to discourage birds from landing on your head.
heart Thank you to my beloved Fiern for my red crown and blue spiky hat!
heart Thank you to Kaho-kun for 34 goldenrod xerox papers!
heart Thank you so much to Sosiqui for a Tire on My Head, 50 goldenrod xerox papers and 40 red construction papers!