-then the chibis all use the dishes as target practice except for the chibi megamen and X who are making funny faces at each other while the chibi protomen are pushing buttons on the portal generator that also appeared when all the chibis appeard, it opens up and here come all these chibi basses who see the chibi megamen and start shooting, some of the basses are watching the chibi zeros continuing to throw the chibi Axl's against the wall, the chibi megaman scream when they see the chibi basses and all of them start running, Kim sends all the chibi basses back to the portal untill they learn not to shoot at the poor innocent chibi megamen who are still making funny faces at the chibi X's, she picks a chibi X up who seems to be crying, he then makes a really disturbed funny face at her while sticking his tongue out at her, she puts him down and tells the chibi zeros to stop with the "throwing the chibi Axls against the wall" routine-
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