Ugh. I got my sixth immunization shot today. Ouch! My whole arm hurts..and my shoulder....blech...oh well, it's my last one until 2015. Yay!
Oh man... Sora Anonymous! You're crazy!! XD
Meep. So......I hate this summer. I hate this year. It's just not any fun. NOTHING TO DO!! scream
Welp... Today stunk. Mom was an a** to me. Sister started to be a brat, so I threw mashed potatoes at her. Ha ha haaaa! Yay. Horrible day. Blech.
Well...I didn't end up putting purple in my hair....but, I will eventually.
Yes! I finally found a song I've been looking for for years! Not like anyone cares. I bet someone out there hates me, just because I said that. Well, you know what? F-you if you're going to hate me for a stupid reason like this. To the rest of you, thankyou for reading this and not hating me, and I'm sorry for getting all mad, I've just had about as much as I can take of all these stupid shallow people.
Well, I think I'll go to bed now. My back is driving me nuts. Gooooooood night. Sorta.
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