Babysitting is getting crappier. The 7 year old boy has a boob fetish apparently. I hate children, how on earth did I ever get into this job?? She had asked me to babysit all three of her kids (9, 7, and 1 year olds) and I forgot to call her so she got someone else. Which that is good, I've never been in a room with a child younger than the age of 4 by myself. I cannot be trusted. I can't even change a diaper for heaven's sake!
My boob still hurts you 7 year old perverted... pervert... O.o...
Goat-sama has been found to be the cure for all illnesses, mental or physical. Yes, ladies and gentlemen. I have found the cure for cancer and it is a stuffed goat plushie. He cures broken hearts, the flu, and even helps you pass exams! I love Goat-sama and apparently so does the rest of the school. Even the lunch ladies play with him. O.o…
My Irken auction just ended, Invader Piale won. 65k, I would have never guessed it would sell for that much! She is sending the trade now. Speaking of pets, I’m trying for a Wethkin. It’s so cute! I want the wind one. I wrote a story for the flatsale (pg 49) and I hope I get it. I love the element wind.
Well, since I’m bored I’m going to send you some of my pets!

These are all I could find, lol. I lost the page with all my pets on it. Oh well. I’ll just have to start over. ^^
Deshi is: