I ish Back!
Well...I'm sorta back, for now cry since my main account has been blocked for three days. Never mind that I didn't do anything...or that its been three days already stare Got blocked on the 26th...so 26, 27, 28 cry That's 3! *sighs sadly* This avi sure does suck o.O its old and stuff but O.o it well...sucks. I only have like 3 posts and 633 gold...-.- Can't even buy something to quit wearing that stupid starter set. crying I miss my account! [.comfortably.numb.] was my favorite...I could get gold easily cause I was way above the 1000-post marker. I change the avatar around like every other week...first I had neutral some weird looking blonde chick with like green-ness. Then she downgraded to a goth O.o with the black-ness. o.O Now I've got her nicely where I want her to be with a mix of blue and white-ness. *sighs sadly but loudly* Off I goes....>.>