My strings are pulled by... [Kaiten Jiron]
You can call me... [Kaiton Jiron]
I've lived through... [25]
See me as a... [Hellion]
I can assure you, I am... [Male]
I would call myself... [Gay]
I tend to be... [Quite introverted. He doesn't like to socialize to much and prefers to stay home or in the forest he lives in. Contrary to what people expect when they learn he is a Hellion, he doesn't like gore, hell, fiery places and he is definitely not one to really be aggressive. However he has a short fuse and little patience for incompetence and disobedience. He seems to be hard to get used to at first, but if you manage to proof your worth and win him over, he will gladly shower his slave with attention and presents.]
My tale begins with... [Kaiton was born in a dark kingdom far away. His parents were leaders of their clan he was born in. His life was pretty much privileged. However that same life became boring and monotone to him. He was always served everything the moment he asked for it and he never got a chance to look how it was outside of the walls that were around the palace. It was this that caused him to grow up rebellious to his parents and eventually he moved out just to be rid of their overbearing behavior. This was when Kaiton went to live on his own in a mansion, taking a lot of family fortune with him. Now he grows bored with being alone however and he is looking for company.]
I want a collar with... [He has no interest in colors and charms. He will just look at who seems interesting to him.]
Expect me to be... [As long as the slave is not completely insubordinate he is a kind, friendly, generous Master that won't easily deny his pet anything. However if his pet is disobedient he also doesn't shy away from discipline which can range from physical to mental punishment. Though his preferred choice is to get onto the other's psyche if punishment is necessary.]
My property is called... [None yet]