airdevil97 enters the chat.
airdevil97: hey
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: hello
airdevil97: OMG...i just got my new sword... im soo happy
today_4_U: hey
airdevil97: lol
today_4_U: oh crap now you can cut me
today_4_U: lol
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: ooh!
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: i wants a sword.....*pout*
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: oh well
today_4_U: um..hun..the correct response is..i would never cut you *cough* *cough*
today_4_U: lol
airdevil97: lol
airdevil97: my sword is reall
airdevil97: i mean i accually got another REAL sword
airdevil97: its awsome
today_4_U: ok then killer
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: oooh... i still wants one
today_4_U: haha
airdevil97: ok
today_4_U: i have samuri swords
airdevil97: kool
today_4_U: i used to keep them in my closit when i was little so if someone came in the house i could kill them
airdevil97: i have different typs of knives and swords
today_4_U: i was paranoid like that
today_4_U: lol
airdevil97: lol
today_4_U: was your shower "matty"?
today_4_U: LOL
today_4_U: haha i crack myself up
today_4_U: sorry, (well, i thought it was funny)
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: That's interesting.i thinks so too
today_4_U: *laughs*
today_4_U: i said im sorry you can talk now
today_4_U: fine i'll go away
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: now why would you kill people if you is/was a kid
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: please don't
today_4_U: *jumps in water and swims away*
today_4_U: im not really goin
today_4_U: lol
airdevil97: lol
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: the place would be so boring.....oh good*sigh of releif*
airdevil97: *sits down
today_4_U: no like when i was 10 i had them in there cuz i watched some movies i shouldnt have and...
today_4_U: so then i thought someone was gonna come rob us or try to kill me
today_4_U: so i had the swords in there from my grandpa
today_4_U: haha
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: like which ones?
today_4_U: *swims back and lays on the ground* tired
today_4_U: like i know which ones
today_4_U: the ones with the sharp ends
today_4_U: lol
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: lol
today_4_U: matt speak
today_4_U: say something
today_4_U: lol
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: i haven't liked clowns since i saw IT when i was 5
today_4_U: lol
today_4_U: i used to watch IT everyday
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: i think it quite wierd
today_4_U: i loved that music
today_4_U: movie**
today_4_U: lol
airdevil97: lol
today_4_U: when i was nine i watched it a lot
today_4_U: i made fun of the clown
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: now i thinks it it corny
today_4_U: well, ya
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: it is
today_4_U: especially the end
today_4_U: he's a spider?
today_4_U: i dont get it
today_4_U: lol
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: wait....he was? i only saw like half of it cuz i hid behind the sofa
airdevil97: *lays down on the grass*
today_4_U: lol
today_4_U: sorry matt
today_4_U: *lays down by you* bored?
today_4_U: haha
airdevil97: nah
today_4_U: god im bored sitting here...listening to jay-z lincon park woo woo bored
today_4_U: lol
airdevil97: *rolls eyes*
today_4_U: *pushes*
airdevil97: *closes eyes*
today_4_U: thanks
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: okay since the room is called snap some one needs to make crakle and pop
airdevil97: ha ha ha
today_4_U: *laughs*
today_4_U: haha
airdevil97: i made this room
today_4_U: your mom made this room
today_4_U: LOL
airdevil97: no i mean i really made this room
today_4_U: i do that everytime someone says something here
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: i loves it! it's a gerat sound
today_4_U: we got that you made it
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: great even
today_4_U: lol
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: *poof*
today_4_U: *whispers to niamh, hes like i made it NO I REALLY MADE IT like we dont believe him*
today_4_U: lol
airdevil97: *gets up and throws you in the water*
airdevil97: *lays back down*
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: *nods as if she beleives but doesn't cuz guys hate being unbeleived*
today_4_U: *cries*
today_4_U: lol
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: grin
airdevil97: *gets up and throws hiamh in the water too*
today_4_U: *gets out of the water and shakes over you* haha whose wet now?
airdevil97: *stares at u*
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: why me...i was beleiving i'm wet...*cry*
airdevil97: *closes eyes again*
today_4_U: he's mean like that
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: *cries on mat and soaks him so he has to go home and change or just not wear a shirt*
today_4_U: hahahaha he's all wet now
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: choose which
airdevil97: uh....
airdevil97: *takes shirt off*
airdevil97: not hard chioce
today_4_U: lol
today_4_U: did anybody bring a towel?
today_4_U: nvm i'll lay down and soak up the sun
today_4_U: *lays down next to matt*
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: is very smart. *picks mat up and throws mat into water*
today_4_U: wow you're strong
today_4_U: lol
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: hahah you is wet now
today_4_U: you better run
today_4_U: he's gonna get you
airdevil97: *get out of the water and shakes hair*
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: want my towel?
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: *gets it from tree*
airdevil97: *lays up against a tree*
airdevil97: no i dont
airdevil97: its ok
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: okay......i'll use it now
today_4_U: awww are you sad? *says in a baby voice*
today_4_U: lol
airdevil97: ha ha nope...
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: *nods*
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: NOW MY TOWEL IS WET AGAIN
today_4_U: lol
today_4_U: i would think so
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: AHHHH attack of caps lock
today_4_U: *sings,525,600 minutes 525,000 moments so dear lalala*
today_4_U: love this song
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: ahhhh!
airdevil97: *puts a peice of grass into my mouth*
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: i'm gonna sing a great song
today_4_U: eating grass there?
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: "i want a new duck" by weird al
today_4_U: never heard of it first of all
today_4_U: and second
today_4_U: no wonder his name is wierd al
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: it's the tune of ghostbusters
airdevil97: lol
today_4_U: lol
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: i want a new duck...not a chicken or an owl
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: look for it...tis great
airdevil97: i like owls
today_4_U: well, that came out of nowhere
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: okay new one
today_4_U: is it rap?
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: dare to to be stupid by the same dude
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: nope
today_4_U: i'll stick to RENT
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: okie
today_4_U: Did he go somewhere?
today_4_U: lol ive never seen him this quiet
airdevil97: lol im here
today_4_U: why ya so quiet?
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: squeeze all the charmin ya can when mr. whipple's not around.
today_4_U: lol jk
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: stick your head in the microwave and give yourself a tan
today_4_U: wierdo
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: sorry...but i loves that song
today_4_U: lol
airdevil97: uh... yea alright
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: yes that is me in a nutshell
today_4_U: lol
today_4_U: how old r u niamh?
today_4_U: jw
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: 16...17 in aug
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: yous
today_4_U: 15
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: mat?
today_4_U: the wierd guy standing by the tree is 15 too
today_4_U: lol
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: oh okay
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: *lays next to mat on the opposite side from today and steals his warmth*
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: i's cold
airdevil97: *rolls eyes*
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: wet clothes don't help either...and neither does a wet towel
airdevil97: u both are wierd
today_4_U: uh!
today_4_U: bye
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: yepperdoodles
today_4_U: i didnt recognize you without the handcuffs
today_4_U: we could light the candle
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: okie...*waves*
today_4_U: oh wont you light the candle
today_4_U: lala
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: which one?
airdevil97: why are u lighting candles??
today_4_U: shut up matt
today_4_U: im mad at you
today_4_U: jk jk
today_4_U: i luv you
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: nothing better to do?
today_4_U: god im tired
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: then take a nap
today_4_U: i can't
airdevil97: lol
today_4_U: My friggin sister comes in my room at 7:00 and is like im scared
today_4_U: so im like
today_4_U: uck
today_4_U: so i have to be like "its ok baby" and all that crap
today_4_U: and then she wants to sleep with me
today_4_U: but she lays out over the whole bed and kicks
today_4_U: and steals all the cover
today_4_U: so i couldnt get back to sleep
today_4_U: lol
airdevil97: wierdos
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: oh....i hate lil sister does the sme
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: same even
today_4_U: be quiet just cuz you're the younger annoying one doesnt mean you can make fun of us
today_4_U: nice older ones
today_4_U: lol
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: i didn't sleep much either.......i read too much
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: i wasn't making fun of least i didn't mean too
today_4_U: no matt
today_4_U: he said we're wierd
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: *crawls away to a tree and picks up pine cones and throws them at him
airdevil97: *catches one and throws it back*
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: *pouts when it hits my face*
airdevil97: lol
today_4_U: *laughs at both of you*
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: cries......then laughs
today_4_U: oooh guess what!
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: i gots a full
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: what?
airdevil97: *closes eyes*
today_4_U: tonight i have a basketball game at 5 and one at 8
today_4_U: and the head coach of the highschool is gunna be there watchign
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: sweet
today_4_U: ya
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: i gots to go.....okies?
today_4_U: ok byez!
Niamh_of_Sevenwaters: Smile
airdevil97: bye
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The Book of Choatic Thoughts Of Niamh
whatever choatic thoughts i have throughout my nomal boring life.
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It is better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt -- Mark Twain
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It is better to be thought a fool than to open your mouth and remove all doubt -- Mark Twain
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