Okay, so I had these pretty little things in my profile before, but they were taking up too much space. People know me to be several different things, be it cold-hearted, rude, joyful, annoying, whatever. No matter who you are, know that you will never be as important to me as the three that I'm going to show you. It's nothing against you, but I'm a total dog person, not a people person. They've always been there for me and I'm a sucker for unconditional love. heart
 Name: Chabella, Belle, Bella, or Belly Personality: Chabella is a very energetic, jealous, and playful Pitbull. She loves to have her tummy rubbed and it seems that whenever she is approached, she just has to roll over on her back and stick her cute little paws up in the air asking for a tummy rub. She works for the, what I have named, "The Doorbell Trio." The doorbell at my house doesn't work properly so whenever someone knocks on the door, she's always right at it, barking her little head off like she's rabid. What's quite funny, though, is that when the visitor actually comes through the door, she jumps up on them happily and can't contain her positive energy. This one is a definite whiner, though, and has been since her puppy days. It's the most annoying screech ever, but it just proves she can get what she wants. That's my pup!
 Name: Shayla, Shay-Shay, or Shay Personality: Shayla is Chabella's aunt, a fellow Pitbull. Though, she seems to be completely opposite to her neice, she still loves her all the same. Shayla is very timid and shy. She can't stand loud, sudden noises and she runs at the sound of them; you should see her on the Fourth of July. She's a definite cuddle buddy and will just snuggle up in bed with you whenever she gets the chance. Also opposite of her neice, she is completely silent unless she needs something and just has to have your attention. I'm somewhat jealous of her since she literally has no body fat whatsoever; probably because Chabella is stealing all of her food.
 Name: Buddy Personality: Although Buddy is getting old, he'll always be a puppy at heart. He's a rott/shepard mix but it seems as he gets older, his Shepard hair shows more. I got him when I was three years old and EVERYONE loves this dog. He's the greatest ever and always so protective of me and my family. I love him so much and I'm sad that he won't live much longer. Some of you know that something has happened to him, but that would only be because I know you well enough to tell you and I know that you won't let anyone else know unless you have my consent. Consider that a threat. Have a nice day! mrgreen
Drassielle Zallizare · Sat Jun 17, 2006 @ 12:35pm · 0 Comments |