Drass' Bloodlust Database ~Under Construction~ |
Mmkay, I originally got this idea from Lost, so here goes. These are all the people at the Bloodlust that I've met and become friends with. PM me if I miss you... I have a really bad memory so bear with me.
![User Image](https://a1cdn.gaiaonline.com/gaia/members/ava/ee/ce/7dce567d37ceee_flip.png?t=1148361274_3.00_00) Name: Daroff Relation: Good friends Personality: Daroff lives at the Bloodlust and basically hates all except for a select few. If anyone disrespects those on his good side, he gives them s**t and won't let them live it down. Sometimes lets the littlest things bug him, but everyone gets used to it. He's very quiet and reserved but when he gets pissed off, he'll let out a mouthfull that you won't forget. Madly in love and engaged to Jynx, he'll do anything for her and doesn't care who he steps on to do it.
![User Image](https://a1cdn.gaiaonline.com/gaia/members/ava/93/0c/2fb18ed5140c93_flip.png?t=1148353161_3.00_00) Name: Jynx (Bad Luck Jynx) Relation: Friends Personality: Now what do we say about this one? Wait, what's not to say about her? She's definitely one-of-a-kind. Owner of the Bloodlust and respected as such. You never see her without Coke which is, in my opinion, the main reason she even has the fridge in the Bloodlust. People who first meet her are often quite scared and think that she's very opinionated. But what they don't realize is that everyone's opionated, Jynx just speaks her mind and doesn't give a damn about what people think. Her moods can get a little confusing sometimes, but she's always a good friend who listens and gives pretty good advice. Say one bad thing about her and you'll have everyone along with both her and Daroff on your a**... watch out. That's the only warning I'm going to give. XD
![User Image](https://a1cdn.gaiaonline.com/gaia/members/ava/11/ea/1052bccd1dea11_flip.png?t=1148342497_3.00_01) Name: Lost (lostallreason) Relation: Lesbian lover, close like a sister Personality: Definitely one of the more "unique" people of the Bloodlust. She's one of the defining factors of what it has become. Lost is without a doubt the most sexual one in the Bloodlust "family". It seems that whenever the topic of something sexual comes up, she is always in it, whether she's present or not. Really the life of the party, Lost seems to bring out the best and sometimes the worst in people depending on her mood. She's dated a good majority of the Bloodlust regulars and we all have a little joke about how, "Lost is pimpin' your boys!" Overall, the Bloodlust truly wouldn't be the same without her.
![User Image](https://a1cdn.gaiaonline.com/gaia/members/ava/13/24/5983e250202413_flip.png?t=1148171066_3.00_01) Name: Zlord Relation: Total flirting buddy, one of my greatest friends Personality: I think the best way to start this off is to say that "Zlord is sexy.... like Cher!" Z has got to be one of the nicest guys I've ever met. Although he gets in his moods like everyone, he still tends to be completely generous. Z's never been one for sparring or enterring the family, but he has very close ties with basically everyone at the bar. He is the ultimate flirter. I swear, you will never find a guy who flirts with people more. Though, it's quite funny because he has no idea how to flirt, it just comes naturally. Whether it's his giggles or his winks, being around Z is an adventure in itself.
![User Image](https://a1cdn.gaiaonline.com/gaia/members/ava/dd/e6/3d28b7d621e6dd_flip.png?t=1148235411_3.00_01) Name: Ivan (Saint_Ivan_The_Virtuous) Relation: Big brother Personality: Ivan has been around for quite some time now and is loved by most. He is usually seen in a fight, or at least looking for one. During my time of knowing him, he has been on a voyage of self-discovery and I must say, he's doing quite well with it. Ivan is known to be a bit cocky and stubborn, but he is always there for his friends and family. He has great respect given to him for his great display of power and his ability to fight, although human. He truly brings back the true style of masterful rping. Mess with him, you deal with me.
![User Image](https://a1cdn.gaiaonline.com/gaia/members/ava/4e/84/1ea4a29d21844e_flip.png?t=1148351385_3.00_01) Name: Nami (o.o-Nami-o.o) Relation: Lesbian lover( xd ), basically sister, reeeeally good friend Personality: So this is Nami, cat extroardinaire! She loooooooves catnip and goes crazy for it. I have to say, it's quite an entertaining show to witness. She is, by far, the craziest person in the Bloodlust and incredibly random. In all the time that I've known her (about 8 months), I don't think I've ever seen her in a relationship. But everyone in the Bloodlust knows why. She's in love with a sexy fictional man! Riku!!!!! She is absolutely obsessed with Riku. She even raids his trashcans... <.<;; Don't tell her I told you that. She's always been such a great friend to me and has always kept my spirits up. I can honestly say the Bloodlust wouldn't be the Bloodlust at all without her.
![User Image](https://a1cdn.gaiaonline.com/gaia/members/ava/29/bc/14881f4fbc29_flip.png?t=1148359610_3.00_00) Name: Shi (shinya-chan) Relation: Really good friend Personality: What is there to say about Shi? Well, she's going to rule the world someday so you better get a good word or at least a small bribe in. Come on, you know you want to. $10, $20? Remember, it's going to pay off in the end. I mean, you get to have a quick and painless death by the honorable Shi, what more could you want? Shi is a complete grammar Nazi inside but she tends to keep that side of her in unless she is around the other girls that she can be a Nazi with. Shi is in love with and engaged to Arucard and they have acquired a new son named Day, though he is not theirs. Shi is truly a jewel out of the bunch and my grammar wouldn't be nearly as good if I didn't have to watch it while I'm around her... sweatdrop
![User Image](https://a1cdn.gaiaonline.com/gaia/members/ava/c7/4f/5d0504f1c4fc7_flip.png?t=1148316152_3.00_01) Name: Aru (Arucard_Safin) Relation: Good friends Personality: Aru is probably the most dedicated bartender in the Bloodlust. Though, it's quite comical when he takes people's orders and isn't even present at the time. Most people don't even realize that it's just a voice in their head and a random drink appearing in front of them. Aru is someone who cares about everyone and always finds time to give advice to anyone who needs it. He has this uncanny understanding of most things that go on around him and he never seems to want any help for himself. Engaged to the lovely and all-powerful Shi, Aru is faithful to her and always seems to be with her. In fact, she's the main reason he's never really present to take orders anymore. They're getting married pretty soon, and if you guys are reading this, I better be invited to the wedding!!! blaugh
![User Image](https://a1cdn.gaiaonline.com/gaia/members/ava/8c/fd/54e6c3a15fd8c_flip.png?t=1148098188_3.00_00) Name: Bai (Bailong_Tenchi) Relation: Friend, what I consider, an adviser Personality: Bai is someone who's been around ever since I first came to the Bloodlust. Bai truly has a way with words and he's someone I can depend on. Though he probably only considers himself a distraction to me, Bai happens to be one of my really close friends. He is always one to give advice and not only does his advice help, it really makes you think more thoroughly on things you wouldn't have. Bai is definitely one-of-a-kind and I wouldn't have him any other way.
Okay, I'm officially putting this under construction because there are lotsa peoples to do and not enough time to do them for now. Don't worry all you lovelies, I'll get you in later. Make sure to comment, though.
Drassielle Zallizare · Tue May 23, 2006 @ 08:02am · 3 Comments |