today was like pimp.... i went to walmart to get katelin a b-day prisent....i got here a korn cd.... it was like $13.52.... not that bad at all... and then i talked to haley for like an hour and then i went to her party..... and it was so cool...expt we called pole a prank on her....(only because last year at my party...that i had just because katelin and i didnt want to go to her party so we had are own... and rachael and her party... called me and said this one thing....) so we called her... and haley said the same thing that rachael said to me...and they hung up on us...then jade called back and like screamed at me and haley.... and told us that rachael and katelin were crying.... and haley i and felt really bad....but then i dont think haley cared after awhile because cody and her started to cuddle....and then everyone started smileing....expt me.... and then everyone started to chase cody and steal his hat....and then carly and i started because we wanted to be happy to....and carly and i stole it!!!go us!!!and then i had it.... and he like picked me up by my scared then i told him "cody.... let me down...*then i screamed* if i give you your hat back will you let me down...." and then hes like "i mite or i mite not" and then i through his hat to katelyn and then he like droped me....*how rude* and ran to get his hat back.... fun..... and then sammy helped me up....yay sammy!!! and then haley and cody made out so then sammy,i, carly, and katlyn took the soccer ball from the garge and played basketball...and i had it and sam attacked me and like takaluled me to the ground...and then i like ran behind her and like started to drop her and instead i feel first and then she feel like on my leg.... oh no!!!!!!!!!.....and stuff... oh yah.... haley asked me what i thought of cody like right infront of cody....and he was like stareing at me.... and im like no was fun...oh and when i got there we though all of our assuments in the fire and it was like really windy and all the paper like flow out of the fire....and they were on then cody and i got up and we stomped on them....and then everyone got bored and like sat down on the ground.... and so i though the rest of the assuments in the fire... and katlyn told me to smash it i put my shoe in the fire and smashed it down... and like my shoe like burned....only a little though... and then he tryed to do it to....but then i put my shoe back in....hahaha cody....beat that..... and then katlyn sat there right by the fire.... so then cody almost pushed her in was great..... and then i told haley that he was hot... and she was like i know isnt he..... and i was like yah....but i love dakota alot better..... so yah...and she was like.... well i love cody... but everyone knowes that....but yah.... I LOVE YOU HALEY,SAM, AND a friend!!!!so yah.... but most of all I LOVE DAKOTA.......DAKOTA I LOVE YOU!!!!
love all my friends alot....
love ~babe....Emily~
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