I am very shy in rl, but very talkative online, or texting.
I talk really fast, and too much when I get nervous.
I have anxiety, and paranoid.
I often wish I didn't talk after the fact, . . .
I have more online friends then in rl.
I don't like kids,(or most people) but love animals.
I am happily married.
I have a very peaceful and happy life.
I might be too old for gaia?
It often feels like only my husband and friend Ricey are the only ones who notice I am alive.
Which can sound sad, but I actually like it that way.
I am not an attention seeker.
I rather be invisible.... and so I am.
I don't like to leave my house.
I LOVE Hello Kitty.
I have a severe allergy to wheat, and gluten.
. . . idk what else to say . . . KitTeaDeLightChan is my animal avi account