1st Place - Ryuk
Hmm…well, I can say that this is pretty creative. The eyes for some reason seems to not suit my tastes but it could just be me. The apples are a nice touch too since our favorite Shinigami needs them to not contort like crazy. Adding on an actual background would further enhance this entry but thankfully the apples at least give the avi more life as an add on.
Nonny's Rating: 5/5
2nd Place - Imperator Furiosa
It's kinda hard from the ref pic to see the actual character's outfit and compare it to the avi you submited. Overall, it looks good but I'm just gonna rate this based on the overall presentation. The characters seems to be captured well and the background was well chosen to match the ref background. Good job
Nonny's rating: 5/5
3rd Place - the Velociraptor trainer.
A simple avi. I've seen avis based on live action series done better and I feel this avi lacks the grittiness of the ref pic. Also, you should have used one of the velociraptors from the dinosaur EI from a few years ago. The ones you used are just too cutesy to match the flesh ripping dinosaurs of the movie A darker forest would have suited the avi better in my opinion as well.
Nonny's Rating: 3/5
4th Place - I Am Gamora
Probably one of the best Gamora's I've seen. I have no complaints for the construction of the avi and the background is well in line with the GotG scenery. A well deserved winning avi
Nonny's Rating 5/5
5th Place - Final Fantasy - Cloud Strife
Eh, Cloud avis are so boring to me at this point but I can see the effort you put into tis one. You did a good job and at least your hair is the most unique version of it I've seen and it does look like his hair so I give you creative points for that. Other than that it's a good avi.
Nonny's Rating: 4/5
6th Place - DS2:RB - Hibiki Kuzel
A very original avi and well constructed from head to toe and I loved it overall. The background is really the highlight since I know how hard you work on them and this one does not fall short. Adding Byakko was also good to add more to it.
Nonny's Rating: 5/5
7th Place - Harley Quinn - Animated Series
First off, the ref pic you chose does not show her hair, yet your avi does. You should have removed the hair or found a ref with hair. You also have her holding her signature hammer when she's holding a pistol in the reference. The collar is not nearly as big as the ref either. You even put your interpretation. There's a lot of errors with this one but it won somehow.
Nonny's rating: 2/5
8th Place - Princess Tutu
Cute and simple! This one is pretty good though the tutu could use a little work. It's not bad overall and thank you for adding a background. I really can't say much about this one. It's not really a complex outfit so I can't fault you for the simple design.
Nonny's Rating: 4/5
9th Place - Jasper SU
Continuing on with more Stephen Universe avis comes Jasper. Looks good, but there are "fuller" white hair since Jasper has a lot of it it seems. Adding on Twin Asar would have given the single red glove on her. Again I don't know the material enough, but I still encourage backgrounds. At least something
Nonny's Rating: 4/5
10th Place - Guardian Goddess Purple Heart
The skin looks extremely odd since you used the BOO skin base. This avi has got a lot that is good. However it seems to be lacking in some areas that needs work, especially the legs and arms. Even the corset area could use a little more work. The background is good too. though I wish I knew more about the series to give more constructive feedback for a background option.
Nonny's Rating: 4/5