About the Girl
Name: Virginia Astraea
Name Meaning: "virginal,pure" "star-maiden". In Greek mythology, Astraea was the Goddess of Justice who is believed to have become the Virgo Constellation.
Nickname: Ginny
Age: 21
Birthday: August 31
Eyes: Dark Blue/Sapphire
Hair: Dark Red
Skin: Fair
Height: 5' 8'' or 178cm
Weight: 120lb
Build: graceful figure,
Distinguishing Marks or Traits: a roundish head, delicately-shaped lips, large and clear eyes, small, symmetrical, and refined features, a high forehead, long arms and thin eyebrows.
Blood Type: AB
Sun Sign: Virgo
Gemstone: Peridot
Likes: Cosplaying, Puppies, Lists, reading and writing stories, Peace and quiet nights, Cleanliness and Order, Healthy food, but also Ice Cream,
Dislikes: sloppiness, narrow-minded people, messes, worrying,
Strongest Subject: Astrology, English, Science
Weakest Subject: Sex Ed.
Education: She has the relative knowledge of English, Literature, and Astrology Professors and has forged legal documents awarding her a M.A and A.S. respectively. (These were acquired by the help of a fellow senshi that specializes in integrating into Earth Society. While she does feel this is sneaky, it is also necessary and the process of appearing legal appeals to her sense of order.)
Strong Points: Analytical and practical thinking,
Has Trouble With: The Virgo is prone to being overly-proud, fussy, nervous, pedantic, petty, self-conscious, harsh, paranoid, scared of being sick, aloof, calculating, hard edged, overly critical, judgmental, pretentious, snobby, nervous, timid, compulsive, folds under pressure, perfectionist, stubborn, and conservative.
Dream: To find True Love.
Personality: The Virgo person is dedicated, devoted, nurturing, quiet, uninhibited, sacrificial, considerate, proud, shrewd, critically inclined, judicious, patient, logical, meticulous, reliable, practical, diligent, intelligent and analytical, industrious, loyal, efficient, thorough, methodical, exacting, precise, detail-oriented, shy, observant, critical, work- and service-oriented, painstaking, pragmatic, modest, discreet, health- and cleanliness-conscious, mentally active, and flexible, sexy.
Personal History: She has recently arrived on earth and has studied the culture significantly. She assimilated well and is pretending to be a tutor.
About the Senshi
Sailor Name: Sailor Virgo
Realm of Influence: The Constellation Virgo, Element: Justice & Purity
Transformation Phrase: I am Virtuous Sailor Virgo In the name of Justice and the Stars above I defend fair Gaians from Evil and Trickery!
Transformation Item: Pendent Necklace
Transformation Sequence: Body fades to just an outline. Stars start to shine along outlined body, brighter and brighter. Flash. Fully Costumed!
Symbol: Virgo symbol, M with tail curled back
Colors: Navy/Dark Blue, Dark Red, and Black.
Outfit: Fuku(Moon Replica): Like Moon's But Darker. Skirt, Collar - Blue. Bows, Arm Bands, Choker - Red.
Weapons: Staff/spear
First Attack Name: Virtuous Virgo (Offensive/Defensive)
First Attack Appearance: Virgo calls out Name + a Melee attack. (Falcon Punch!) Lightning infused into melee attack. Usually body part. = leg, = arm, etc.
First Attack Effect/Damage: Lightning/electrical Damage.
First Attack Accuracy: Contact or Touch based attack.
Second Attack Name: Crystal Clearing (Defensive)
Second Attack Appearance: Virgo concentrates deeply, closing her eyes and aiming her palms down at the ground in front of her. A circular area extending from Virgo, then encases in Crystal, covering everything.
Second Attack Effect/Damage: Holds enemies and objects in area or blocks them from it. Also purifies area. This is not a strong enough attack to destroy an enemy but can eliminate a taint or exercise a spirit possession.
Second Attack Accuracy: Area wide, effects any target in area. Area effected has about a 3 yard diameter usually. Can be created larger with enough focus.
Third Attack Name: Supreme Justice Seeker (Offensive)
Third Attack Appearance: Virgo screams the Name Phrase, summoning a Spear above her head into her raised hand floating. Without grabbing it, she wields it to her side, slightly back, and then pushes it forward. The spear soars forth seeking the Guilty.
Third Attack Effect/Damage: Insta-kill. Spear though vitals, punctures soul.
Third Attack Accuracy: Dead-on to guilty target. Misses innocent targets continues till it hits the one guilty of the chosen crime. (Whether accident or not).
Sailor History: She was once Guardian of an uninhabited planet with beautiful healthy forests and oceans. She protected it from those who would mine it for its resources and pollute it. In her attempts to save the planet from ruin she accidentally encaptured it in crystal. Unsure how to reverse what she had done she sought out other senshi and those with power. This of course lead her to earth.
Mission: To seek out other senshi and find a way to save her planet.
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I am Virtuous Sailor Virgo
In the name of Justice and the Stars above
I defend fair Gaians from Evil and Trickery!

In the name of Justice and the Stars above
I defend fair Gaians from Evil and Trickery!