My Birth Certificate States:
[Full Name]
But I'd Prefer:
[Nickname(s) if any]
My Cake Has This Many Candles:
My Place Says
[Apartment Number]
I Share My Space With
[Anyone Else Living with Your Character? Roomate? Girlfriend? Wife? Kids? List them all here]
People Might Say I Act Like:
[3-5 Personality Traits]
But That Would Be Because...:
[1-2 Paragraphs for Bio]
Oh Yes! Give Me More:
[3-10 Likes]
No, I'd Rather Not:
[3-10 Dislikes
Hell No! Keep that Away:
[3-10 Fears]
Shhh, You Can't Tell Anyone...:
[Secret(s) if any]
Some People Say I Look Like]
[Actor or model you used. If you don't know, put unkown]
Oh Yeah, I Almost Forgot...:
My One True Master: