Katie could have sworn that every single person in the room could hear her heart pounding against the inside of her breast. For the last two weeks she had gotten an array of strange gifts that she felt had to be a joke. Being the new girl in school, she had hoped to be a figure of interest like they were usually shown as but the reaction had been lacking. Probably because by high school most were used to having seats become vacant and being filled by whatever poor human had to leave their old homes. Still, Katie had made friends and was enjoying herself. When the gifts came she thought that they might have just been welcoming gifts from a fellow newcomer but after her third gift in just one week, she began to wonder if they were mocking her.
Katie had been born different than other human children. Her body had developed animal characteristics that made her both superhero-like, in the most minimal way possible, and the fantasy girl of comic conventions. Her parents had no idea how it could have happened, as the paternal tests showed that she was both of their children, but they covered it up as best they could. If it got out she was sure to be the subject of strange tests. Not many people questioned her always long hair and head wear but she could not help but think that someone might have seen her ears at some point and was trying to make her paranoid before dropping the bomb on her. This, she only assumed, was because the last gift she received had a note attached asking for her to meet them at the cuddle party. Supposedly it was an annual thing for the students at Excalibur High, one which the student body president always threw, and all were invited.
There were so many things that could go wrong accepting the invitation but Katie was hoping for the best as she began to wander the house trying to catch the eye of someone who might have a sign around their neck reading Hi, I'm Katie's secret gift giver!
((PM me to continue! I have other starters that you can probably find through my profile and I have a lot of other RPCs.))