♣ xx S.tats: xx ♤
xxxxxx♣ ♤ M.ood: Party Time~
xxxxxx♣ ♤ P.lace: My After Party
xxxxxx♣ ♤ W.ith: Lorelie, Vixen
xxxxxx♣ ♤ M.usic: N/A
xxxxxx♣ ♤ W.hat: Demon, Bad a**, Seventeen, Shadow Puppeteer
|| Out.Of.Control: x ||
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INDENTJack beamed at Lorelie's surprise, even after her hysterical reaction to his driving. His smile widened from its 'I'm-to-cool-to-show-my-teeth' grin. His pearly whites did expose its self, the smile that was planted on Jack's face being certain to come around eventually. "Uhh.. Rooms? I don't really know.. Never bothered to count.." He said, his voice soft, unsure, a finger tapping at his lip in curiosity of the same question that Lori had asked him. He couldn't help but feel slightly embarrassed for not even knowing his own house. Of course, the embarrassment didn't show too obviously, the glow of his yellowing aura and the similar excitement of Lorelie welling up in his own chest. He felt so girly, wanting to jump up and kick out, squeal like a field mouse would. Jack didn't do it, of course, but he wanted to, the actions being played out in his dark eyes. "I'll show you!" He said, walk-skidding over to the stairs the ran up the wall, once passing the ceiling and the top of the chandelier being a hallway with two doors on each side. One was labeled 'Jack' and even though it had probably gotten tidied up by some maid, he forbid any entering of the quarters at the moment. It was unnecessary, and really, nothing was in there but his clothes, a mini fridge, bed, a few posters and a wall splattered with multicolored paints. Some articles of female clothing were scattered in there somewhere, but hidden away in places not to be found by the naked eye. The other doors were labeled with other names, one being his parent's room. No one was allowed in there, even himself. Ever since he was a child, Jack's little corrupted mind always imagined some dirty things constantly being done in there, thuds and moans heard from across the hall. It was disgusting.
INDENT"Welp, there's my room... Parent's.. Jason's and.... I dont even know. I think that one's a bathroom..?" He guessed, walking over to it and checking. His guess being correct, the light he switched on blanketing the large bathroom with a strange blue-tinted light, the theme of the room being ocean. It was odd, the lighting making it seem that the room was underwater, turtles and fish painted in the background wall. The carpet was similar to seaweed and sand mixed together, an image of the beach coming into Jack's mind every time he set eyes on it. Shells and delicately decorated candles and soaps sprinkled the sink's table tops, even the sinks carved in a seashell shaping. The mirror ahead was the only thing normal about the bathroom, his parents always getting over-crazy with decorations around the house. Certainly, this was not the oddest. Before closing the bathroom door, Jack couldn't help but flick his hair aside and admire himself for half a second, sending a charming grin to himself in the reflection. "Damn, who was that sexy beast back there?" He cooed teasingly to Lorelie, referring to himself, lightening the mood even brighter than it already was.
INDENTThe tour continued, consisting of more jokes and playful banter, the rooms continuing to shock and impress the first guest. In order of Jack, there was a game room, where the demon boy spent his extra-free time on video games, foos ball with visitors, and other things. There was his mother's walk-in closet, a whole room dedicated her her feminine fashion. Unfortunately, there were too many kinky things in there his eyes accidentally laid upon for Jack to handle, horrible images of his mother scarring him for life and forcing him to leave that room early, no matter how much Lorelie loved it. "I'm never going in there. Ever again. Never." He mumbled to himself, rubbing his eyes harshly to somehow rid of his wild imagination. He shook with a chill down his spine and shook his head in a wave of disgust. "Bleh." Okay, now the roof..? After passing other unimportant rooms that he never went in often, including guest rooms, cleaning rooms, maids quarters, etc., Jack took his female company up one more flight of stairs. The night blanketed them, shapes only lit by the lights in the rooftop pool. The water was a clear aquamarine, bright white and yellow at the underwater light bulbs. By the edge of the pool was a switch on options to change the lighting. A twisty knob was to adjust brightness, other buttons to change the lighting's color, helping to change the color of the pool's liquid. The main pool was round and strangely shaped, but nothing spectacular like a waterfall or anything. A water slide was prohibited, Jack's parents fearing of anyone falling off the side and off the top of the building. Of course, it would have been impossible, the pool still widely surrounded by plenty extra rooftop space. His parents just had to have something against pool slides. Next to the pool was a small circular Jacuzzi, a button for bubbles and lighting as well. "Well, that's my house! Sometimes it seems too big for comfort you know? Like.. it's always empty." The demon boy couldn't help but put in, hopefully trying to lower any intimidation he could have placed. Past guests have only visited once and never come back in the shame of their relatively smaller house, when the size of their house was normal. His house was just abnormally large, Jack's demon parents obsessed with the idea of flaunting their possession. Even Jack inherited the trait, but he wasn't so into his house, only using it as a place to sleep and eat.
INDENTHis attention was dragged away from Lorelie and the tour, a loud motorcycle closing in on the house. It wasn't hard to tell who was the rider, the blonde curly hair obviously belonging to Vixen; the girl Jack never met but spotted in class. She was followed by separate cars and various mobiles pulling in from the surrounding streets. "Anyways, guests are here~ Do me a favor and open the door for me? Ima' go put out the drinks n' s**t." He called over to Lorelie, following behind her down the stairs back to the first floor. The kitchen was beside the first room, hidden around the corner of it. A table was put out on display, multiple bowls of junk foods, chips, candies, cookies, and all placed decoratively over it. The colors of everything complimented the Silver, Black, White and Gold balloons that bounced around the floor of the mansion. Beers, wines, cups and other drinks in metal cans were lines up in army-like rows on another table, a large transparent box caging in ice to keep the beverages chilled.