Who I Amxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
The Name I was givenAran Terra
I've seen 742 years of the earth passing the sun.
I am as tall as 6'8" and I am as this heavy 260
My eyes are this color Green
My hair is shaded Gold
The Name I was givenAran Terra
I've seen 742 years of the earth passing the sun.
I am as tall as 6'8" and I am as this heavy 260
My eyes are this color Green
My hair is shaded Gold
What planet I rule over Venus
The zodiac I am Taurus
What my animal form looks like Bull
The powers I have Terra forming, Fauna control, talking with trees and other plants~somewhat useful~, and minor healing powers including resurrection at the cost of my life.
What planet I rule over Venus
The zodiac I am Taurus
What my animal form looks like Bull
The powers I have Terra forming, Fauna control, talking with trees and other plants~somewhat useful~, and minor healing powers including resurrection at the cost of my life.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxThe Other Things You Need To Knowxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
My past went like this...... From what I remember, I have no parents. I was born from wood and stone, a creature of pure nature. I had ruled out any possibilities of me having parents unless they left me in the woods. I spent years teaching myself the ways of nature, learning from the trees helped too. Yet all too soon, the years started to blur around the edges until, finally, in a risky attempt to solve the issue, I locked myself into a mountain and went to sleep. That's the simplest way to explain it. Bothered not by the world around me, I slept through two centuries of life. When I awoke a town was where it hadn't been two hundred years ago. New sounds were distracting, a frustrating buzz in my brain. I was sent to Venus by the mother tree, a being that was once two separate things, an elf and a tree. I was crowned there, in a society I had known nothing about until a few days earlier. So I sit here now, angered with who ever this traitorous fiend is, the fool who was signing the warrant of his death even now.
The personality I grew up to have is cool and collected, I stay apart from the crowd. Stubborn, secluded, and quite laid-back and withdrawn. I find conversations quite a bore unless the person I'm speaking with can match wits.
The things I absolutely adore are Nature, Art, Autumn, Weather, the smell of the forest, and tranquility.
The things that will enrage me Technology, Excessive change, slow witted people, giving up, and the traitor.
I am a bi person
The song that plays in my life Chiwuzie Sunday - "Into the Wild"
My past went like this...... From what I remember, I have no parents. I was born from wood and stone, a creature of pure nature. I had ruled out any possibilities of me having parents unless they left me in the woods. I spent years teaching myself the ways of nature, learning from the trees helped too. Yet all too soon, the years started to blur around the edges until, finally, in a risky attempt to solve the issue, I locked myself into a mountain and went to sleep. That's the simplest way to explain it. Bothered not by the world around me, I slept through two centuries of life. When I awoke a town was where it hadn't been two hundred years ago. New sounds were distracting, a frustrating buzz in my brain. I was sent to Venus by the mother tree, a being that was once two separate things, an elf and a tree. I was crowned there, in a society I had known nothing about until a few days earlier. So I sit here now, angered with who ever this traitorous fiend is, the fool who was signing the warrant of his death even now.
The personality I grew up to have is cool and collected, I stay apart from the crowd. Stubborn, secluded, and quite laid-back and withdrawn. I find conversations quite a bore unless the person I'm speaking with can match wits.
The things I absolutely adore are Nature, Art, Autumn, Weather, the smell of the forest, and tranquility.
The things that will enrage me Technology, Excessive change, slow witted people, giving up, and the traitor.
I am a bi person
The song that plays in my life Chiwuzie Sunday - "Into the Wild"