Orderly Chaos
Sometimes I really start to wonder about the whole human experience. I grow tired of the people who bumble around life simply reacting to the chaotic drama they create. There are risks to be taken. There are times that you have to go with the flow and see what happens. It's another thing if the damage you repetitively keep taking is a result of your own hasty, naive pursuits. When the moments of clairty in perception are so fleeting that it can easily be dismissed or smudged out to cope with anger or depression, what does that mean? When the only actions a person takes are during the times when they're reacting out of emotional distress, does it matter that maturity and clarity even existed? It's sad to watch people spend their lives that way, knowing that you can try and help to pick up the pieces, but whatever you put together will be shattered in an instant when the next event rolls around. Did you even help? Do they genuinely respect and appreciate what you offer? You care so you keep helping any way that you can, but things feel different each time. Are you losing a piece of yourself each time? How much of your own inner energy are you putting forth to try and heal the gaps in their fluctuating energy? Do they appreciate it less each time because they believe they know how you feel or what you would say? Should you allow apathy to take hold? If you do, you'll become one of those people... Thoughts are rambling.
Community Member
"Work willingly at whatever you do, as though you were working for the Lord rather than for people." — Colossians 3:23 (NLT)
Don't go in expecting anyone but God to appreciate what you've done. No applause, no thank you's, no "you're awesome", "you're valuable". Do it because it's the right thing to do. Applause only lasts a moment anyway; our Heavenly Father on the otherhand is eternal.
I had to learn when to stop "helping" certain people. There is such a thing as giving too much of yourself to the point that it starts to break you. Some people love living in their misery. They don't want it solved because they deliberately want to cry over it. They like those negative urges/feelings (jealousy, sorrow, anger, resentment, hopelessness, intemperance, etc...) and they like having to deal with the consequences they bring. If you try to maintain control over their situation, their negativity will snuff your life out. Simply disengage after you've offered advice numerous times. Ask our Heavenly Creator to intervene in their heart-of-hearts. At the end of the day, everybody freely chooses one of two options: either to ignore wisdom or accept it.