Who am I? My name is Roulin Venticuori Presidiomni, son of Che and Felicity Presidiomni. Like most of my friends and almost all of my family, I am an O.W.L. What is that you ask? Surely, what comes to mind are those large, brown birds that sit either on barns or tree limbs. You know…the birds that hoot just to keep you up at night? No. Not even close but it was a good guess. If you’ve been keeping up with society, you’d know that the designation bears both a strong and powerful sense of pride, glory and nationalism for some. For others, the designation…the brand represents fear, loathing and hatred; beasts of the lowest kind if you will.
My powers first began to manifest around the time I began watching television. Odd, but true. My foster parents didn’t allow much television. They didn’t allow much of anything for that matter. That may have a lot to do with my early absolutist way of doing things. You see, my ability, to start, was the ability to sense others emotions and copy them. Not that I was emotionally detached from the world. More or less, it made me a “go-to-guy” because I was able to console many, many people. For that, my mother loved me and so did my elder foster brother. My father knew what I was and for it, he hated me so….
For as long as I can remember, I have been fighting this long and arduous war against the bigoted minds and structures of the homo-sapient world. As a fighter in this war, I tried to carry an air of acceptance which I hoped would rub off on any and all people I came into contact with. Lovers, friends and family…I want to see them all succeed in life. I want to see them go farther than anyone ever could. Even further than me. Now all I want is peace and protection from the danger that is now clear. The UNS and the Humans are nothing but fools fighting a war for dominance. And over what? Other humans? The only difference is that some of us have different colored skin while others can shoot bubbles with the force of a car crash out of their body. It’s disgusting how far they’ll go for control.
I’m no superhero, nor am I a savoir. I am but a fighter doing his best to find a way to protect all those I care about. If it means slaying a few thousand people, then so be it as long as peace is attained in the end. I’m no monster. I am no god. I am the gray specter of Life…I am Roulin.