Shiko patted her dogs head and, gave a sweet smile. "I'll be right back Ookami maybe I'll bring you back a treat." She said as her smile turned demented. "Oops almost forgot!" She walked to her kitchen and, opened a draw. She pulled out a meat clever that seemed to be recently used but, not cleaned since it was still covered in blood. She licked the side of the knife and, snickered. "Lets see what my sweet, love is up to tonight." She said in a faint breath almost like a whisper. She walked to her coat rack and, pulled down a black thin sweater. It had big enough pockets to hide her knife. She waved bye to the dog and, walked out the door. The sky was dark and, the moon barely shone. It was the perfect night to protect her love from anybody that tried to get with him. She then drifted into a dream land while she walked. "Oh my sweet (insert name) how I long to be with you." She said before having a idea. She looked around at the many stores around her. Maybe she could by him something and, give it to him as a gift to get closer to him? She walked into the closet store and, smiled at the women at the counter. "Hello miss!" She said sweetly before looking around. The store happened to be a bakery. She looked into the glass seeing many delicious looking foods. She licked her lips at the red velvet cake the was right infront of her. "I would like this one." She said while pointing at it. The women nodded with a smile and, handed her a container with a large slice. Shiko handed the women some money and, walked out. She let out a long yawn. After awhile of walking she finally reached his house. All his lights here on so he had to be home....she inhaled and, exhaled she was terrified. She stepped on his porch and, knocked on the door holding he cake with both hands. "Oh...I hope he doesn't think me to weird..." she whispered before looking at her pocket to see if her knife was concealed. 
-The_Failing_Farewel- · Mon Sep 26, 2011 @ 10:33am · 0 Comments |