Before asking a question, Shikoku recommends at the very least making sure you ask a question that has not already been answered. Shikoku has been receiving duplicates of certain questions!
This irritates Shikoku. Shikoku does not want to answer the same question multiple times. But Shikoku also does not want anyone to feel forsaken or uh, ignored.
Today's Ask Shikoku has begun.
Let's go~
Nadine_Subara : Where do your awesome tips come from?
Shikoku's brains explode a lot. Sometimes of awesome, sometimes of not awesome. Shikoku feels it healthier to explode Shikoku's brains onto something other than Shikoku's clothes. So instead, Shikoku explodes Shikoku's brains onto Gaia.
That's right, my Nadine Subara--what you are reading is brains.
Still, Shikoku brains pale in awesome to LaLa brains. D:
Roxyyy : Why did you choose to start the ask Shikoku column?
Shikoku has been asked many, many questions--questions that Shikoku would like to address. However, you aren't notified when someone responds to you in mind. This has been very bothersome for Shikoku.
Because Shikoku no longer wanted to be bothersomed, Shikoku started Ask Shikoku! so everyone can learn together! biggrin
maplemas : Why can't Santa come early?? ;A;
Dear Maplemas, Santa cannot come early. His legs are tied to my bedpost. With a big rope. You can fix this by sending Shikoku an envelope containing 250,000 in cash. You should do this soon, Maplemas. Shikoku is complaining about the size of the rope.
Cece Deviluke : Shikoku Kyushu(kyushus.....) Okay so What should I do if I like this guy and his girlfriend(well they break up alot) is my ex friend she going to be all hating on me >.>and we have like 1 class together >.> what should i do biggrin ?
Hello, Cece Deviluke! It seems that you've gotten yourself in quite the predicament! If you've already catagorized your friend as an X-FRIEND, Shikoku thinks there should be no problem with your liking this fine gentleman. Sure, it may be awkward to sit in class with an X-FRIEND, but what is class without the awkward? Such a class seems foreign to Shikoku. Shikoku says, if you must choose between the two humans, keep who you believe will continue being the friend you need. Not so much the friend you desire.
As you see, Cece, relationships that cross the boundary of mere friendship crafted at your age are bound to go haywire in time. Shikoku is not old! D:
can_dice123 : do you like to eat muffins?
Shikoku does! In fact, if Shikoku happens to be driving for some reason without a muffin in Shikoku's nom hole, Shikoku begins driving on the sidewalk. This has not yet been proven, but it will once Shikoku begins driving.
XionPhantress : Dear Shikoku: How did you came up with your Gaian name? :3
Other than that Shikoku thought it was quite the huggable name, Shikoku doesn't remember. Does XionPhantress think it's quite the huggable name? :3
Mi_Apples : which came first? the chicken or the egg?
Hello, fellow Apple. You are plural. That's nice. Your question was asked a few days ago by FullmetalLover and then shortly answered. It has something to do with Thessalonians. D:
--Rawr : How can i get rid of my annoying sistersD confused Would throwing them out of the window work?
Hello again, Rawr! Shikoku is sorry, but throwing annoying sisters out windows will only result in annoying, angry sisters. Annoying, angry sisters have a tendancy to learn witchcraft, and witchcraft can be dangerous.
Instead, the best method to go about ridding your life of your annoying sisters is with a water gun. Annoying sisters may be overwhelming foes, but water completely debilitates them. Shikoku recommends the CPS 2000 Mk1. Be sure that you are out of their annoying range before you water gun them! Remember! If you commit homocide, be safe!
Kanuko : Shikoku Kyushu, are crab-apple's really made out of crabs? Then what about pineapples? What about Applefrog? O.o?
You have been misguided, dear Kanuko. Crabapples are not made of crabs. They were merely given this name several decades ago. You see, Kanuko, a gardener crab and his wife both lived happily on the shorelines of Santa Barbara. The gardener crab was well known as a gardener and was a celebrity among crabs. He was one day invited to a gardening show only to return home realizing that his wife was having an affair. It was with an apple. The gardener crab then planted one last tree in the hopes that his former wife would live her life happily with her new apple before he walked into the sea and drowned.
As for pineapples, Kanuko, the word is a shortened form of Pinene Oxide Sulfuric Acid Apples.
SasukeKat : Dear Apple frog, I recently defeated the leprechauns under my bed. And I found a hole in my floor dug deeeepp into the ground. Where do you think it leads to? Because I'm considering jumping down biggrin
Congratulations to SasukeKat! SasukeKat, you seem to have another problem on your hands. A large hole in your bedroom floor should always be treated with a patch immediately.
If you are unaware, SasukeKat, beneath all bedroom floorboards is Dracula.
If you still plan to traverse the bedroom underworld, and if there's no one beside you when your soul embarks, Shikoku will follow you into the dark.
ChibiKitty13 : applefrog, how is a raven like a writing desk???
Shikoku thinks you might do better with the time, ChibiKitty, than wasting it in asking riddles that have no answers. D:
animefreak6 : how did u find this website and how long have u been on here?
Shikoku stumbled upon Gaia when it first appeared on the internets through Shikoku's constantly searching for a decent MMORPG. However, Shikoku did not make Shikoku's account until Gaia Melody was coming to a close. This makes Shikoku very sad, as Shikoku finds it disturbingly difficult to get the items Shikoku wants~ D:
Yuuki_Cross#1 : Dear Shikoku Kyushu, *Blush* (Crush question! >///< wink
I have a boy I like at school. He probably doesn't like me, and ima like a stalker to him, I think, cause my friend likes him and I accidentally shouted his name at lunch. >.< AND HE HEARD ME AND STARED AT ME! Now I think he thinks ima stalker! >.< Am I just thinking too much!?!?!?Also, i like your name, how did u think it up? And what does it mean? O.o
Dear Yuuki, you are thinking too much. You cannot be a licensed stalker unless you engage in stalking. This pertains to the laws of the universe. Even unlicensed stalkers deal in some amount of stalking.
In your situation, there is no stalking that is being engaged in from what I understand. :l
Shikoku already answered the question of how Shikoku thought of Shikoku above. As for what it means, Shikoku is plenty sure there is no meaning.
There was once a man on Steam who believed Shikoku was Shikoku because Shikoku loves Chrono Trigger's Frog (Glenn). As much as this may be true, Shikoku cares not to be associated with anything other than Shikoku. :3
PsychoSquirrel : Hi, Shikoku, Pizza or Hamburger?
Hi, PsychoSquirrel, pizza.
Miriette : How many Shikoku Kyushus are there in the world? :O
There is one Shikoku Kyushu. The idea of anyone exercising the thought of multiple Shikoku Kyushus disgusts Shikoku.
But it's okay. Shikoku will let Miriette go this time. biggrin
Stitch My Smile : Dear Shikoku, what does a REAL shikoku look liike? <":
Why, a real Shikoku looks like Shikoku. This is not so difficult.
FujibayashiStary : Dear Shikoku, I want some food but.. I c a n t choose between BBQ or sour cream and onion chips O3O
FujibayashiStary, this is not a question, but Shikoku assumes FujibayashiStary wanted Shikoku to address this.
FujibayashiStary, sour cream and onion is the superior chip. You are a fool to think otherwise, FujibayashiStary.
FanX : dear Applefrog what is your favorite season =3
Probably the second season of Geass. That was excellent. The final season of BSSM was also quite good. :3
Shadow Moonshine : What type of shikoku and kyushu are you?
Shikoku is an Shikoku and an Kyushu. Naturally.
AkumaLen : Dear Applefrog, are you immortal?
Shikoku is not immortal, but plans to be in the near future.
Shikoku is already immortal in the hearts of Shikoku's fellow Gaiansians, right? So it's all good.
...Shikoku -is-, right?
vseaflamer : do u like mexican food?
It's not Shikoku's go to food of choice, but Shikoku does do the Mexican foods on occasion.
Daniel1991 : Dear Shikoku, if i opposed you with my army of super amazing robo-penguins could i possible take over the world?
No. They will explode upon impact of stuff.
Thicket : Dear Shikoku, Have you read the Evil Overlord list? -That One Person
Shikoku has not, though Shikoku has an idea of what this may be. Shikoku is interested.
Axel Burn : When you rule the world, can I rule beside you?
Shikoku will let no one rule beside Shikoku. Perhaps under.
princess ngan : dear Shikoku how can i get a chibi pet?
Breed with a Chibi Pet.
Black~Rose : ok question! Do you think if you ruled the world that i could be your right hand woman?
Yes! You may.
Lollipop Master : Dear Shikoku Kyushu what question should I ask you?
LillyD1234 : Shikoku have you ever ran around in circles and yelled at the same time?
No. But now I have.
Hinaiichigo : Dear Shikoku, Did you ever notice that when you blow in a dog's face it goes mad, but when on a car ride the dog sticks it's head out the window FOR the breeze? Why is this so?
Shikoku has not noticed this, as Shikoku has never blown into a dog's face. Shikoku finds no reason to do so.
As to why dogs' heads stick out windows during car rides, it's because they are looking for something. Perhaps it is gold. Perhaps it is freedom. Perhaps it is something of even more importance. Shikoku is not entirely sure, as Shikoku is not a dog. They are looking for something though.
Something that will change their entire race.
This season.
In full 3D.
Witness the secret behind dogs' heads sticking out car windows.
Will Ferrell and Miley Cyrus
Star in...
Coming February 38th in a theater near you.
That is all for today. If you would like your questions answered by Shikoku, ask in the comments section of this entry! Shikoku will answer all your questions in a few days.
Come back tomorrow for another Life Tip of the Day from Shikoku. biggrin
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I'm Bitchy Amaya
Badass Booti is herself
UPRlSlNG is ******** superheroes by day. And night. Beat that, bitches. cool
Badass Booti is my CB lover. heart
And we have our own soap-opera. emotion_kirakira
I'mma bird, ********! I'mma bird!

UPRlSlNG and I are birds, moe'suckras! cool
And we have our own comedy. emotion_kirakira
And she's the mother of my children. heart
Badass Booti is herself
UPRlSlNG is ******** superheroes by day. And night. Beat that, bitches. cool
Badass Booti is my CB lover. heart
And we have our own soap-opera. emotion_kirakira
I'mma bird, ********! I'mma bird!

UPRlSlNG and I are birds, moe'suckras! cool
And we have our own comedy. emotion_kirakira
And she's the mother of my children. heart