Woke around 5:30am, showered, got lunch ready(a ham sandwich, two tangerines, grapes, two Breakfast Claws[a type of pastery; NOT actual claws], juice, and water), left house at 6:30am, and arrived at school around 6:50am. It was empty. Although there were people around for 0 period, not a person was in sight because all the teachers and students were in class (It hadn't ended yet).The sky was still dark, but the hallways had lights so it wasn't too desolate. The library and career center were closed so I couldn't seek shelter from the cold and wind there. Instead, I went to my locker, closed the hallway doors to block the wind (but propped one of them open a bit with a chunk of wood), and sat on the floor with my back on my locker. Since I didn't wanna just sit there, I touched up some homework as much as I could from the top of my head. This didn't take long since I couldn't define words like Sententiously without a dictionary. I then pulled out a book to read(Blue Bloods by Melissa De La Cruz). While doing all this I was still freezing. Anyway, I had finished quite a few chapters by the time Patricia arrived(7:15am). She and I went to the library and found Janet in her usual corner doing her usual thing: Far back left of the library, reading. We talked for a while, and Ayra texted me asking where I was and to wait for her. She found me shortly. At 7:20am, Ayra and myself decided to head towards Valhalla(our school's theater. It's supposedly haunted by a ghost whose name is the same as mine.) to meet Ms. Steward (our awesome Biology teacher) and the rest of her classes for the field trip we were going to go on today. Valhalla was closed, people were just standing around, and Ms. Steward wasn't there yet so we sat down and chatted. When the bell rang at 7:30am, another teacher opened Valhalla for us. I found out Amna also had Ms. Steward so she would also be coming on the trip. Since I had forgotten were Ms. Steward had told my class to sit (was it the back left or right of the place?) I sat next to Ayra. There was a lot of waiting until Ms. Steward went onstage to speak through the mike. She said hi, told us the rules, assigned us to our chaperone, handed out the scavenger hunt paper, gave us details about the whole thing, warned us of the consequences of ill behavior, told us which bus to get on, and so on and so forth. There was more waiting after this since the buses haden't arrived yet so people just hung around and socialized. The buses came so we boarded them, then we waited some more. I thought it odd and funny that the bus seats had seat belts on them. It was a regular yellow school bus, and it looked out of place to me. Anyhow, I was able to get a seat all to myself (probably because I'm not particularily close to anyone who came, and I'm also a teeny bit anti-social) which allowed me to sit how I wanted and place my backpack there. During the ride, I read my book. At around 9:30am, we arrived at our destination: The San Jose Tech Museum! It had been a while since I'd last been there. We waited until we could get off the bus, we waited more while we were outside then we went inside, and waited for Ms. Steward to tell the chaperones what path to take and various other things. We were let into a hallway around 9:45am where we waited yet again since the exhibit didn't open until 10am. It was finally 10am, and the BODY WORLDS Vitals exhibit opened! Entering was a bit disturbing because there were plastic sculpture-type things of nude male and female torsos down to a little below the hip so we saw all those... parts. Ahem. The exhibit was really cool! It was an odd thought to think we were actually looking at real dead bodies that were plastinated (so I guess they weren't really bodies, but plastic). I thought the blood plastinations were the coolest! See:

This one was my fave. There was also a heart and an elbow-to-fingertips! If they were selling this, I would buy it. Anyway, I rushed around the exhibit and the upper and lower levels of The Tech until 11:55am trying to find the answers to all of the scavenger hunt questions. Sadly, I didn't get all 70, but I did get most of them! Nearing 12pm, I headed over to the IMAX to watch The Human Body.

It was a really cool, kinda funny show. I temporarily lost my appetite when they showed how food got digested, though. All the gurgling and squishing sounds and the close up of bile being squirted. The part where kids talked about pubic/pit hair was also... funny/disturbing. This one guy: "It's like a forest. It's disgusting." XD There was also a super close up of a pimple being popped. Bleh. There wasn't much I didn't like about it besides how cheesy the pregnant lady was. During the show, I was reminded of how cool the IMAX is. Man, I'd love to watch my asian dramas, animes, TV shows, movies, etc. there! It's got an awesome sound system with sweet bass as well as super clear picture quality. Once the show was done(12:50pm), there was time to visit the gift shop. I went and saw cute stuffed toys of The Common Flu, Swine Flu and other disease bacterias/viruses (what kind of mentally disturbed person thought of making/makes these? or gives them to kids??). I wanted the cold, but decided it was unnecessary. I didn't buy anything and we reloaded the bus at 1:10pm. Some kids from other buses decided to get on ours so it was packed, and I had to uncomfortably sit on the edge of the seat with Nancy and Alhely. No reading on the way back; I was too busy concentrating on balancing to do that. We got back to school at 1:55pm and headed to what was left of our sixth period class. At the ring of the last bell(2:35pm), I went to the library to define the homework words with their dictionary while waiting for my mom to come. Man, modern dictionaries suck. They use the word to define the word! How am I supposed to learn what it means like that?? Example: Anarchists - An advocate of or participant in anarchism. Also, it didn't have the word "Yielded" or it's root, "Yield"! WHAT THE HECK?!? (I know what it means, btw. I just need the dictionary definition.) Sigh. Anywho, Anvita came by with a guy friend Mathew(whom I hadn't met before). We did homework until I left because Mom texted me saying she was there around 3pm. She brought us to Hong Kong Buffet just because she was hungry; no special reason! It had been years since we last ate there. I stuffed my face until I couldn't anymore. Jem then got a haircut, and I finally got home. My legs ache for some reason. I dunno why. Well, I started writing this entry at around... 6:30pm? It's now 9pm. Wow. Haha, at least I finally wrote a legit entry.