Today was a little bit different from yesterday, I actually helped a little bit today! 4laugh I helped sort papers and sort out mail (I even got a little sneek peek at the new issue of a magazine I like), so I guess it was ok. Tomarrow I hope I can get the tree up and a few stockings hung. If I can't I guess I'll try to walk arround town tomarrow and see if it's decorated yet.
That's one of my favorite activities, walking arround town. whee I hardly ever get to do that, but when I do it's as if I'm a dog that's just been let off a leash 4laugh (that's about the simplest way to put it) stare . I walk arround, I go to the stores and restraunts, some times I even see some of my friends. It's kinda nice to get a little time away and not have to think about your life as it is neutral . Instead you can think about how you life could be, and all the things you want to do 3nodding . I think that's the best part. I might just do that this christmas. What I mean is that my siblings will be celebrating christmas else where (all of them) and my grand parents and parents aren't usually the most jolly bunch stare , so I'll probably just go out and do my own thing. Besides, I can't intrude on my friends christmas, that would be even worse, and kinda rude. confused
It's amazing how in this season that celebrates the whole family and togetherness thing, you can feel so alone. neutral Oh well, I guess that's just life. neutral I'll atleast try to make it happy for someone else, maybe volunteer at a senior center. After all, every one deserves atleast a little happiness on christmas. smile
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