Have you read the worst pt. 1? This won't make so much sense without it. Do I amuse you? no? i thought so. This happened today on 9.21.10
To continue, if you read part 1. a recap, my boyfriend lied, went to homecoming. what the hell.
So it was today where everything went down. Previously said, i stated i was in honors. That means, a giant elephant s**t load of homework. Have you ever seen elephant poop? i have. a few times when down in mexico. Only in mexico right? yeah probably.
Anywho... In lunch i realized that he can't make it to my lunch anymore. Since he skips to get there. By 'he' i mean my boyfriend. So all day i keep expecting him to pop out of somewhere... but i know he won't. He's avoiding me. Now you see, during lunch. i had no worries. i knew he wouldn't come.. but maybe i was still nervous, just in case he would. He's that kind of guy that even if your going out with him for 3 weeks today.. he still gives you butterflies. Lunch went by fast.. considering i don't eat anymore. probably because of him. who cares.
I go to advisory after lunch, and i hoped maybe i could catch him in the halls... nope. I ended up catching up with one of his friends. This friend, whom i still don't know the name of, he had graced me with the knowledge of letting me talk to him if anything went down.
You see, this friend isn't exactly attractive. He's big and fat, but he's nice. So i appreciate.
Anyroohaha, (im getting tired of saying the same thing..), i called him over to me when i was standing by the lockers and i asked him.. "Is !*($@(^? avoiding me?" "yeah, probably. since he has another girlfriend.." "seriously?" mhm... i think i actually have a picture of them kissing. T~T *gets shown the picture*
Bullshit. it's bad enough that he went to homecoming with out me.. it's bad enough i haven't seen him in a week. it's bad enough he couldn't tell me.. but now there's proof.
Was there nothing in that promise? Was he listening to me?
 Farewell my dear lover, for i have given into the sea. I can hear the seraphs laughing.. they will envy you and me.
Nazimeth · Wed Sep 22, 2010 @ 01:36am · 0 Comments |