Going to the Oregon Zoo with Evan on Tuesday. :3 I'm making us a large bento box for lunch. He's bringing the soda and fruit snacks. Or fruit snakes. Whichever is tastier.
We're taking the bus and the Lite Rail up there to Washington Park. Gonna have super fun. I haven't been to the zoo since first grade, so I need to catch up a lot. I don't even really remember much, except the giraffes, the tiger, and the naked mole rat. I vaguely remember the monkey house.
Trip was planned in retaliation to the news that Travis was going with his friends yesterday. I felt left out. Second fiddle status confirmed. |: So to feel better about it, I'm going alone with a dude. :3
Aren't I a bitchy b***h? I'll probably try to take a ton of pictures, like a mofo. ♥ To shove on Facebook, that is.