Pg 6- "Join Me-Mission" Sarah
pg 7-"We don't know." Benny
pg 8-"I mean the Nathan -Every night." Ltn. Bran.
pg 9-"You can tell him--breathing down their neck" Ltn. Bran.
pg 9-"Well the heat is --salary." Nathan
pg9-"Did you find a place?" Benny
pg 9- "Conveinance of those--Yeah!" Nathan
pg 10- "Nathan--A place?" Benny
pg 10- "Did I find a Place, Did I find a place--"Nathan
pg 10 "I was over---Garage."
"He says ---Place."
"A marker is a pledge----the flag." Nathan
Pg 11-"Nathan, Can't you do Something?" Benny
pg 11-"I couldn't even but Adelaide a Present." Nathan
pg 14- "Higher then the Greek?" Benny
pg 14-" Higher then the Greek---104." Nathan
pg 14-" He's so Lucky---Sky." Nathan
pg 14-"Not Sky--Something?" Nathan
pg 15-" I ain't scared--" Nathan
pg 15-" Just find out! Now beat it--." Nathan
pg 16-"I gotta get outta' here--Nathan Detroit!" Adelaide
pg16- "I hope you like it." Adelaide
pg 16 Nathan's description of the bracelet he wanted to buy for Adelaide.
pg 17-18 for Nathan-All text
pg 18- "Great place--five G's at blackjack." Sky
pg 20- "When I was a young man-" Sky
pg 24- "I wasted my life-- can lead to." Sky
pg 26- "Do you ever go any place else?" Sky
pg 27- "Why don't we have Dinner or something?" Sky
pg 27-"When is this big meeting of yours___to you." Sky
pg 31- "There's a guy who --Guy will be like?" Sky
pg 36-37 Nathan,Go over the Biltmore Garage dialogue.
pg 41- "Fine--What have you got there?" Nathan
pg 41- It's the same--Psychology." Adelaide
pg 41-"Just for Instance." Nathan
pg 42-" Nathan Darling." Adelaide
pg 44 "Adelaide, How could you say such a thing!" Nathan
pg 45- "But Marriage ain't something you --kettle of fish." Nathan
pg 45-" It's a wedding Veil---Would you like to see it?" Adelaide
pg 45- "Blood test. It's a law." Adelaide
pg 53- "Yes, He attended--Morning." Agatha
pg 53-"No, I can't--post" Sarah
pg 54-"Oh I'm sorry--Interest" Sarah
pg 54-"No, I don't--calls to make." General
pg 54-"Sarah--Really needed." General
pg 55- "You've announced--come?" General
pg 55-" Pardon me--General." Sky
pg 55-"I am glad--certain." General
pg 56-"I'll tell you in a minute--Garage?" Benny
pg 56-63 the back and forth with Nicely about Sky's money Arriving as well as all other lines.
pg 58-" If there is no Crap Game--" Harry
pg 71-"Oh,Fine--Shower." Adelaide
pg 71-"Thank you ,Sky-" Adelaide.
pg 73-" Obediah Masterson. That's my--" Sky
pg 76-" This wouldn't have happened if I hadn't-" Sarah.
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Rosewhips and other happy things
This is a notebook of all my thoughts throughout whenever.I'm an idiot.Now that we've well established that you have can have no whining whatsoever about my Journal or Retardation.
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"Even though the sound of it
is something quite atroscious
If you say it loud enough,
you'll always sound precocious"
is something quite atroscious
If you say it loud enough,
you'll always sound precocious"