She just got back from the finishing school
Now, she's 20 (what age do people graduate from a finishing school?)
While in the helicopter, she reflected on her past and the reason she asked her father to send her to a finishing school
Past: Her father was once an architect. They were living from hand to mouth before her father sold his greatest designs of buildings. She had a mother. Their life got tougher with the birth of her baby brother. On her 8th birthday, there were no birthday cake or presents to celebrate it. Her mother could not stand with their hard life anymore that she had a big argument with her father and then, her mother left with her 1 year old baby brother. Morgan blamed it on herself at first that her mum left. She told her father that she did not want to celebrate her birthday anymore if only her mother would come back. Her father kept himself busy with work and alas, managed to sell his designs for millions of dollars. Her mother decided to come back with Morgan's baby brother but they died in a car accident on their way back.
Morgan learnt to not put money first before family. She became closed to her father that both of them did not have anyone but each other. However, Morgan fell in love with a boy who came to live with them as an architect apprentice to her father when she was 16 years old. The boy was 20 years old (is this age okay?) and his name was Erik Phantom. But this boy never paid attention to her. He was very keen on becoming a successful architect like her father and spent mot of his time watching her father worked and learning from him. He stayed with them for 6 months. One day, Morgan saw him kissed a girl, probably his girlfriend and she was so heart broken thinking Erik truly like the other girl. She thought that she could not stay in the same house with Erik anymore. So, she asked her father to send her to a finishing school. His father was of course, devastated but Morgan convinced him (I don't know how, but I'll figure it out). A month before Erik done staying with them, she left to a finishing school in Swiss.
-Now she's back. The helicopter she was in landed on her father's ship. Here, she got a shocked meeting her first crush, Erik again who was his father business partner. She also got to meet Erik's best friend, Bobby who was his business partner too but Bobby had to leave the next day.
-Morgan's father was busy entertaining his business friends on the ships that she was left alone with Erik. They both got to know one another and became very fond. Erik now fell in love with Morgan and Morgan thought that Erik love her until one night when there was a party held on the ship that Erik got another woman as his date. Erik was only taking the other woman as his date because the other woman was the daughter of his father's client.
-Erik was the youngest son of Phantom household. His older brother, Edward died an early age and his carefree elder brother who was the second son, Edwin had to take over the family's business. However, Edwin who was used to being carefree felt that he could not take care of the family business that their father, Conrad Phantom had to manage their business for sometime.
-Conrad consulted his son, Erik if he would be the successor of their family business. Erik was an ambitious man decided he would take over the business.
-Morgan's father who knew of Erik's interest in her daughter told Erik that he was the kind of man who put career on top of everything and that he felt that Erik should stay away from Morgan if he would like to pursue his career first. Erik agreed. He knew that he was a workaholic and that he worked like a machine.
-After he was appointed as the owner of Phantom household, he found that he was always too busy to check on Morgan that he hired private investigators to check on her love life. Morgan who continued her studies in local college because she would not want to leave her father again, went out for a date sometime with some of the boys in her college but she never went farther than just a kiss on a first date with the boys because Erik offered a large amount of money to the boys who went out with her or threatened them to leave her alone.
-One day, in his office, he was just done talking to one of his private investigator who successfully threatened one of Morgan's date to leave her alone. Bobby who was in Erik's office at that time told Erik that he should not wait and that he should start to make a move on Morgan. Erik told him that he would like to pursue his career first. Bobby told him that he was being ridiculous putting his work above a girl he love. Both of them got into an argument. In rage, Erik told Bobby that he would not give a damn if Bobby tried to flirt with Morgan.
-In some occasions in which Erik would meet Morgan such as a party or whatever, Bobby would be seen trying to charm Morgan. Morgan was just being polite when she paid attention to Bobby because he was nice to her and that she actually did not love him. She told Bobby this and Bobby promised that they would only be friends. Erik was jealous. He thought that bot of them was dating each other. He could also see that Bobby was in a very good terms with Morgan's father.
-Morgan and Bobby was having an evening tea in a restaurant when they bumped into Erik who was going out with another woman. All four of them ended up in the same table having tea. Morgan and Erik felt unhappy with each other. Morgan even acted like Bobby was his boyfriend to make Erik jealous. Bobby just play along. Alas, both of them said hurtful things to each other. Erik left with the other woman.
-Bobby asked Morgan if what she did was worth it. He told her that if she love Erik she just should tell him and that he was sure that Erik love Morgan too. Morgan ran after Erik. They met in Erik's apartment. They told each other that they love each other. Erik told her that he would never put work above her anymore.
-Bobby went to meet Morgan's dad. They congratulate one another for their successful plan to unite Erik and Morgan.
However, there are some parts that I should add some more stuffs. Like Erik maybe would confront his best friend, Bobby to leave Morgan alone. And some other parts of Erik and Morgan going out together so Morgan would be convinced that Erik love her. I also would like to add a conversation between Bobby and Morgan's father in the middle of the story in which the readers would be filled with questions in their heads on what was actually going on, like:
Morgan's father who was watching the party saw the unhappy looked on his daughter's face a she watched Erik danced with a woman. A man who put work above his daughter would not be a suitable one for her. But he knew that Erik was a fine man and if only he knew what was more important in this life. Suddenly, there was a pat on his shoulder and he turned to see Bobby was now standing behind him.
"So, how about our plan?" asked Bobby. Morgan's father went to look back at Morgan and Erik in the midst of the party and he smiled and nodded his head towards Bobby. "A man who put career above my daughter is definitely not a good one for her," said Morgan's father.
"Time for me to make a move then, sir," said Bobby with a wink and he was off to get to Morgan. All through the party, Bobby tried his best to charm Morgan.
Something like this. I want the readers to think that Morgan's father and Bobby was actually planning to separate Erik with Morgan but the 'plan' that they actually mean was actually to unite Erik and Morgan.
I read through that whole thing, and I really don't have a problem with any of it. Just... How about seventeen? I just think sixteen is so young, but we want a gap between them... I dunno. I just like the idea of her going to school at seventeen and coming back at 21, him starting at 20 and ending up at 24.
How about she just goes to a private school in Switzerland instead of a finishing school? Those aren't very popular, and pretty expensive when I think about it, which wouldn't make sense for them to do if they had to penny pinch everything they did.
Other than that, the whole thing looks fine. Now we can do the character profiles. I'll take care of Morgan and then send it to you. Okay?
Agree to all stated above. Okay. I'll take care of Erik then.
Name: Morgan Tabitz (pronounced ta-bits)
Age: 17
Home: New York City...? (wherever you want, but that's where I imagined them...)
Birthday: November 12, 1992
Birthparents: Elecia and Thomas Tabitz
Bio:Her father was once an architect. They were living from hand to mouth before her father sold his greatest designs of buildings. She had a mother. Their life got tougher with the birth of her baby brother. On her 8th birthday, there were no birthday cake or presents to celebrate it. Her mother could not stand with their hard life anymore that she had a big argument with her father and then, her mother left with her 1 year old baby brother. Morgan blamed it on herself at first that her mum left. She told her father that she did not want to celebrate her birthday anymore if only her mother would come back. Her father kept himself busy with work and alas, managed to sell his designs for millions of dollars. Her mother decided to come back with Morgan's baby brother but they died in a car accident on their way back.
Morgan learned to not put money first before family. She became closed to her father that both of them did not have anyone but each other. However, Morgan fell in love with a boy who came to live with them as an architect apprentice to her father when she was 17 years old. The boy was 20 years old (is this age okay?) and his name was Erik Phantom. But this boy never paid attention to her. He was very keen on becoming a successful architect like her father and spent mot of his time watching her father worked and learning from him. He stayed with them for 6 months. One day, Morgan saw him kissed a girl, probably his girlfriend and she was so heart broken thinking Erik truly like the other girl. She thought that she could not stay in the same house with Erik anymore. So, she asked her father to send her to a finishing school. His father was of course, devastated but Morgan convinced him (I don't know how, but I'll figure it out). A month before Erik done staying with them, she left to a private school in Switzerland. (I just copied what you put *shrug*)
Am I leaving anything out...?
Her physical attributes, what she likes and dislikes (for example, Morgan likes to read romance novel), and if she had any skills like playing piano or etc. All these are necessary so that we can write about the daily life of the character and maybe create some romantic scenes from there. For example, Morgan is playing the piano and Erik suddenly comes in and he is deeply touched by the music or whatever. These are also important so that when we write, we will feel like the characters are real people with real personalities and so, we can relate to them more.
As for Erik's character profile, I can't send it to you yet because for the rest of this week, I'll be extremely busy with a school project. It's on the Theory of Probability and my mind is really confuse right now that I can't be creative. I'm sorry gonk . I have to complete the project before this week end. And as for next week, school reopens. But don't worry, I will find the time to think of Erik and send it to you. I think I will send Erik's character profile this weekend. Sorry for taking such a long time. But I will do it, I promise!
Oh. Dur.
Likes: music (she has played classical trumpet for almost seven years, and recently began playing the piano. She is not showing improvement), art (sketching candid shots of people specifically), reading (romance and fantasy in general, but sometimes reads diaries of people and biographies), socializing (she isn't satisfied with just sitting with another person at her house. She needs to talk to them and do something with them), being outside (she has always enjoyed a good, intense hike), soccer (she's been playing since she was six), and cross-country running (also since she was six), and astronomy (people think she's weird she knows so much about it).
Dislikes: dogs (she got bit when she was little, and just doesn't like them in general. She thinks they smell), horror movies ("eww, gross!" is heard a lot when she's forced to watch them), and being cold (she hates winter with a passion).
Okay. I think that looks good... if I'm missing anything else that's so glaringly obvious, just tell me xD
It's fine that you can't send it to me right away biggrin
Lol. That's funny. Like it. Umm....I think I want them to be in Greece. xp I just love that place. Well, they're still American, I mean, Morgan, if you want to. Her father has an interest in buildings so they went to live in Greece. Greece has some architectural splendor. But Erik would be a Greek. Half Greek. His dad is an American. 4laugh So, here goes Erik's character profile:
Name: Erik Phantom
Date of Birth: December 18, 1990
Age: 20
Home: Athen, Greece
Parents: Elissa and Conrad Phantom
Physical Attributes: Dark curly hairs, dark eyes, tanned skin, muscular,
tall=6 feet 2 inches
Bio: (to be continued)
Sorry. sweatdrop
Oh, yeah. I never though of having them in Europe, but that sounds awesome!
I should add Morgan's physical attributes...
P.A.: red-brown wavy hair, gray eyes, freckled and pale, fit and thin. Height: 5 ft 4 in.
It's fine that you're busy. I just wanted to let you know that on Wednesday the 22nd(...?) I'm leaving on a camping trip until that Sunday. So, I'll be gone again.
. Erik was the youngest son of the Phantom household. He knew that he could never be the next successor of the family business being the youngest.
. He was a quiet person who talked only when he felt he had to. He socialised less and hardly smile. When he did talked to someone, it was always to someone who would benefit the family business. For example, at school, he talked to his classmates who's parents were business friends to the Phantom household.
. Though he lived in Greek since little, he was always interested with his father American background. He followed his father to visit USA sometime. Moreover, his family had a big ranching business in USA. That was also how Erik got to love horses that were available at the ranch.
. Knowing that he would never be the next successor of the family business, he took a degree in architecture. He became an apprentice to Morgan's father.
. He was very passionate about whatever he was working on. He was the type of person who cared more about his work or career. During his stay with Morgan and his father, he mostly followed Thomas Tabitz to work, reading books on architecture in the study, deigning buildings, and
locking himself in his room. Morgan sometime came to his room asking if he would need anything. Although he found that Morgan was disturbing his peace, he always answered her politely.
. He thought of Morgan as the little sister that he never had. He was sorry to see her left to a private school but he masked his emotions well.
. After the 6 months stay with the Tabitz, Erik went back to his family. A week after that, his eldest brother, Edward died. His car fell off the cliff. Conrad Phantom had become the head of the Phantom household again and managed the business. Erik and his carefree elder brother, Edwin decided that they would help their father with the business. Erik knew that his father would need him in the future if not as the next successor, to assist Edwin who might become the next successor. So, he let go of his dream to be an architect and ventured into business.
. Few years later, Erik held a party to celebrate the completion of his new built ship which was designed by Thomas Tabitz. The party was held on the new ship. Thomas told Erik that he could not come for the party as he was expecting the arrival of his daughter, Morgan who had finally came home after finishing her study at the private school. This made Erik ordered Morgan to be sent to the ship in his helicopter as soon as she arrived at the airport.
. The first time Erik met Morgan again after a few years, he was startled to find that she was no longer the kind little girl who he thought as his sister, but a grown beautiful woman whom he fell in love with.
Likes: Horses, animals, plays guitar (the only music instrument that he could bring around in his business), architecture stuff, reading, perfection
Dislikes: Rainy days (he felt melancholic), imperfection
New Change 4laugh
-Morgan was in a helicopter to her daddy's ship
She just got back from the finishing school
Now, she's 20 (what age do people graduate from a finishing school?)
While in the helicopter, she reflected on her past and the reason she asked her father to send her to a finishing school
Past: Her father was once an architect. They were living from hand to mouth before her father sold his greatest designs of buildings. She had a mother. Their life got tougher with the birth of her baby brother. On her 8th birthday, there were no birthday cake or presents to celebrate it. Her mother could not stand with their hard life anymore that she had a big argument with her father and then, her mother left with her 1 year old baby brother. Morgan blamed it on herself at first that her mum left. She told her father that she did not want to celebrate her birthday anymore if only her mother would come back. Her father kept himself busy with work and alas, managed to sell his designs for millions of dollars. Her mother decided to come back with Morgan's baby brother but they died in a car accident on their way back.
Morgan learnt to not put money first before family. She became closed to her father that both of them did not have anyone but each other. However, Morgan fell in love with a boy who came to live with them as an architect apprentice to her father when she was 16 years old. The boy was 20 years old (is this age okay?) and his name was Erik Phantom. But this boy never paid attention to her. He was very keen on becoming a successful architect like her father and spent mot of his time watching her father worked and learning from him. He stayed with them for 6 months. One day, Morgan saw him kissed a girl, probably his girlfriend and she was so heart broken thinking Erik truly like the other girl. She thought that she could not stay in the same house with Erik anymore. So, she asked her father to send her to a finishing school. His father was of course, devastated but Morgan convinced him (I don't know how, but I'll figure it out). A month before Erik done staying with them, she left to a finishing school in Swiss.
-Now she's back. The helicopter she was in landed on her father's ship. Here, she got a shocked meeting her first crush, Erik again who was his father business partner. She also got to meet Erik's best friend, Bobby who was his business partner too but Bobby had to leave the next day.
-Morgan's father was busy entertaining his business friends on the ships that she was left alone with Erik. They both got to know one another and became very fond. Erik now fell in love with Morgan and Morgan thought that Erik love her until one night when there was a party held on the ship that Erik got another woman as his date. Erik was only taking the other woman as his date because the other woman was the daughter of his father's client.
-Erik was the youngest son of Phantom household. His older brother, Edward died an early age and his carefree elder brother who was the second son, Edwin had to take over the family's business. However, Edwin who was used to being carefree felt that he could not take care of the family business that their father, Conrad Phantom had to manage their business for sometime.
-Conrad consulted his son, Erik if he would be the successor of their family business. Erik was an ambitious man decided he would take over the business.
-Morgan's father who knew of Erik's interest in her daughter told Erik that he was the kind of man who put career on top of everything and that he felt that Erik should stay away from Morgan if he would like to pursue his career first. Erik agreed. He knew that he was a workaholic and that he worked like a machine.
-After he was appointed as the owner of Phantom household, he found that he was always too busy to check on Morgan that he hired private investigators to check on her love life. Morgan who continued her studies in local college because she would not want to leave her father again, went out for a date sometime with some of the boys in her college but she never went farther than just a kiss on a first date with the boys because Erik offered a large amount of money to the boys who went out with her or threatened them to leave her alone.
-One day, in his office, he was just done talking to one of his private investigator who successfully threatened one of Morgan's date to leave her alone. Bobby who was in Erik's office at that time told Erik that he should not wait and that he should start to make a move on Morgan. Erik told him that he would like to pursue his career first. Bobby told him that he was being ridiculous putting his work above a girl he love. Both of them got into an argument. In rage, Erik told Bobby that he would not give a damn if Bobby tried to flirt with Morgan.
-In some occasions in which Erik would meet Morgan such as a party or whatever, Bobby would be seen trying to charm Morgan. Morgan was just being polite when she paid attention to Bobby because he was nice to her and that she actually did not love him. She told Bobby this and Bobby promised that they would only be friends. Erik was jealous. He thought that bot of them was dating each other. He could also see that Bobby was in a very good terms with Morgan's father.
-Morgan and Bobby was having an evening tea in a restaurant when they bumped into Erik who was going out with another woman. All four of them ended up in the same table having tea. Morgan and Erik felt unhappy with each other. Morgan even acted like Bobby was his boyfriend to make Erik jealous. Bobby just play along. Alas, both of them said hurtful things to each other. Erik left with the other woman.
-Bobby asked Morgan if what she did was worth it. He told her that if she love Erik she just should tell him and that he was sure that Erik love Morgan too. Morgan ran after Erik. They met in Erik's apartment. They told each other that they love each other. Erik told her that he would never put work above her anymore.
-Bobby went to meet Morgan's dad. They congratulate one another for their successful plan to unite Erik and Morgan.
However, there are some parts that I should add some more stuffs. Like Erik maybe would confront his best friend, Bobby to leave Morgan alone. And some other parts of Erik and Morgan going out together so Morgan would be convinced that Erik love her. I also would like to add a conversation between Bobby and Morgan's father in the middle of the story in which the readers would be filled with questions in their heads on what was actually going on, like:
Morgan's father who was watching the party saw the unhappy looked on his daughter's face a she watched Erik danced with a woman. A man who put work above his daughter would not be a suitable one for her. But he knew that Erik was a fine man and if only he knew what was more important in this life. Suddenly, there was a pat on his shoulder and he turned to see Bobby was now standing behind him.
"So, how about our plan?" asked Bobby. Morgan's father went to look back at Morgan and Erik in the midst of the party and he smiled and nodded his head towards Bobby. "A man who put career above my daughter is definitely not a good one for her," said Morgan's father.
"Time for me to make a move then, sir," said Bobby with a wink and he was off to get to Morgan. All through the party, Bobby tried his best to charm Morgan.
Something like this. I want the readers to think that Morgan's father and Bobby was actually planning to separate Erik with Morgan but the 'plan' that they actually mean was actually to unite Erik and Morgan.
-Morgan was in a helicopter to her daddy's ship
She just got back from the finishing school
Now, she's 20 (what age do people graduate from a finishing school?)
While in the helicopter, she reflected on her past and the reason she asked her father to send her to a finishing school
Past: Her father was once an architect. They were living from hand to mouth before her father sold his greatest designs of buildings. She had a mother. Their life got tougher with the birth of her baby brother. On her 8th birthday, there were no birthday cake or presents to celebrate it. Her mother could not stand with their hard life anymore that she had a big argument with her father and then, her mother left with her 1 year old baby brother. Morgan blamed it on herself at first that her mum left. She told her father that she did not want to celebrate her birthday anymore if only her mother would come back. Her father kept himself busy with work and alas, managed to sell his designs for millions of dollars. Her mother decided to come back with Morgan's baby brother but they died in a car accident on their way back.
Morgan learnt to not put money first before family. She became closed to her father that both of them did not have anyone but each other. However, Morgan fell in love with a boy who came to live with them as an architect apprentice to her father when she was 16 years old. The boy was 20 years old (is this age okay?) and his name was Erik Phantom. But this boy never paid attention to her. He was very keen on becoming a successful architect like her father and spent mot of his time watching her father worked and learning from him. He stayed with them for 6 months. One day, Morgan saw him kissed a girl, probably his girlfriend and she was so heart broken thinking Erik truly like the other girl. She thought that she could not stay in the same house with Erik anymore. So, she asked her father to send her to a finishing school. His father was of course, devastated but Morgan convinced him (I don't know how, but I'll figure it out). A month before Erik done staying with them, she left to a finishing school in Swiss.
-Now she's back. The helicopter she was in landed on her father's ship. Here, she got a shocked meeting her first crush, Erik again who was his father business partner. She also got to meet Erik's best friend, Bobby who was his business partner too but Bobby had to leave the next day.
-Morgan's father was busy entertaining his business friends on the ships that she was left alone with Erik. They both got to know one another and became very fond. Erik now fell in love with Morgan and Morgan thought that Erik love her until one night when there was a party held on the ship that Erik got another woman as his date. Erik was only taking the other woman as his date because the other woman was the daughter of his father's client.
-Erik was the youngest son of Phantom household. His older brother, Edward died an early age and his carefree elder brother who was the second son, Edwin had to take over the family's business. However, Edwin who was used to being carefree felt that he could not take care of the family business that their father, Conrad Phantom had to manage their business for sometime.
-Conrad consulted his son, Erik if he would be the successor of their family business. Erik was an ambitious man decided he would take over the business.
-Morgan's father who knew of Erik's interest in her daughter told Erik that he was the kind of man who put career on top of everything and that he felt that Erik should stay away from Morgan if he would like to pursue his career first. Erik agreed. He knew that he was a workaholic and that he worked like a machine.
-After he was appointed as the owner of Phantom household, he found that he was always too busy to check on Morgan that he hired private investigators to check on her love life. Morgan who continued her studies in local college because she would not want to leave her father again, went out for a date sometime with some of the boys in her college but she never went farther than just a kiss on a first date with the boys because Erik offered a large amount of money to the boys who went out with her or threatened them to leave her alone.
-One day, in his office, he was just done talking to one of his private investigator who successfully threatened one of Morgan's date to leave her alone. Bobby who was in Erik's office at that time told Erik that he should not wait and that he should start to make a move on Morgan. Erik told him that he would like to pursue his career first. Bobby told him that he was being ridiculous putting his work above a girl he love. Both of them got into an argument. In rage, Erik told Bobby that he would not give a damn if Bobby tried to flirt with Morgan.
-In some occasions in which Erik would meet Morgan such as a party or whatever, Bobby would be seen trying to charm Morgan. Morgan was just being polite when she paid attention to Bobby because he was nice to her and that she actually did not love him. She told Bobby this and Bobby promised that they would only be friends. Erik was jealous. He thought that bot of them was dating each other. He could also see that Bobby was in a very good terms with Morgan's father.
-Morgan and Bobby was having an evening tea in a restaurant when they bumped into Erik who was going out with another woman. All four of them ended up in the same table having tea. Morgan and Erik felt unhappy with each other. Morgan even acted like Bobby was his boyfriend to make Erik jealous. Bobby just play along. Alas, both of them said hurtful things to each other. Erik left with the other woman.
-Bobby asked Morgan if what she did was worth it. He told her that if she love Erik she just should tell him and that he was sure that Erik love Morgan too. Morgan ran after Erik. They met in Erik's apartment. They told each other that they love each other. Erik told her that he would never put work above her anymore.
-Bobby went to meet Morgan's dad. They congratulate one another for their successful plan to unite Erik and Morgan.
However, there are some parts that I should add some more stuffs. Like Erik maybe would confront his best friend, Bobby to leave Morgan alone. And some other parts of Erik and Morgan going out together so Morgan would be convinced that Erik love her. I also would like to add a conversation between Bobby and Morgan's father in the middle of the story in which the readers would be filled with questions in their heads on what was actually going on, like:
Morgan's father who was watching the party saw the unhappy looked on his daughter's face a she watched Erik danced with a woman. A man who put work above his daughter would not be a suitable one for her. But he knew that Erik was a fine man and if only he knew what was more important in this life. Suddenly, there was a pat on his shoulder and he turned to see Bobby was now standing behind him.
"So, how about our plan?" asked Bobby. Morgan's father went to look back at Morgan and Erik in the midst of the party and he smiled and nodded his head towards Bobby. "A man who put career above my daughter is definitely not a good one for her," said Morgan's father.
"Time for me to make a move then, sir," said Bobby with a wink and he was off to get to Morgan. All through the party, Bobby tried his best to charm Morgan.
Something like this. I want the readers to think that Morgan's father and Bobby was actually planning to separate Erik with Morgan but the 'plan' that they actually mean was actually to unite Erik and Morgan.
I read through that whole thing, and I really don't have a problem with any of it. Just... How about seventeen? I just think sixteen is so young, but we want a gap between them... I dunno. I just like the idea of her going to school at seventeen and coming back at 21, him starting at 20 and ending up at 24.
How about she just goes to a private school in Switzerland instead of a finishing school? Those aren't very popular, and pretty expensive when I think about it, which wouldn't make sense for them to do if they had to penny pinch everything they did.
Other than that, the whole thing looks fine. Now we can do the character profiles. I'll take care of Morgan and then send it to you. Okay?
Agree to all stated above. Okay. I'll take care of Erik then.
Name: Morgan Tabitz (pronounced ta-bits)
Age: 17
Home: New York City...? (wherever you want, but that's where I imagined them...)
Birthday: November 12, 1992
Birthparents: Elecia and Thomas Tabitz
Bio:Her father was once an architect. They were living from hand to mouth before her father sold his greatest designs of buildings. She had a mother. Their life got tougher with the birth of her baby brother. On her 8th birthday, there were no birthday cake or presents to celebrate it. Her mother could not stand with their hard life anymore that she had a big argument with her father and then, her mother left with her 1 year old baby brother. Morgan blamed it on herself at first that her mum left. She told her father that she did not want to celebrate her birthday anymore if only her mother would come back. Her father kept himself busy with work and alas, managed to sell his designs for millions of dollars. Her mother decided to come back with Morgan's baby brother but they died in a car accident on their way back.
Morgan learned to not put money first before family. She became closed to her father that both of them did not have anyone but each other. However, Morgan fell in love with a boy who came to live with them as an architect apprentice to her father when she was 17 years old. The boy was 20 years old (is this age okay?) and his name was Erik Phantom. But this boy never paid attention to her. He was very keen on becoming a successful architect like her father and spent mot of his time watching her father worked and learning from him. He stayed with them for 6 months. One day, Morgan saw him kissed a girl, probably his girlfriend and she was so heart broken thinking Erik truly like the other girl. She thought that she could not stay in the same house with Erik anymore. So, she asked her father to send her to a finishing school. His father was of course, devastated but Morgan convinced him (I don't know how, but I'll figure it out). A month before Erik done staying with them, she left to a private school in Switzerland. (I just copied what you put *shrug*)
Am I leaving anything out...?
Her physical attributes, what she likes and dislikes (for example, Morgan likes to read romance novel), and if she had any skills like playing piano or etc. All these are necessary so that we can write about the daily life of the character and maybe create some romantic scenes from there. For example, Morgan is playing the piano and Erik suddenly comes in and he is deeply touched by the music or whatever. These are also important so that when we write, we will feel like the characters are real people with real personalities and so, we can relate to them more.
As for Erik's character profile, I can't send it to you yet because for the rest of this week, I'll be extremely busy with a school project. It's on the Theory of Probability and my mind is really confuse right now that I can't be creative. I'm sorry gonk . I have to complete the project before this week end. And as for next week, school reopens. But don't worry, I will find the time to think of Erik and send it to you. I think I will send Erik's character profile this weekend. Sorry for taking such a long time. But I will do it, I promise!
Oh. Dur.
Likes: music (she has played classical trumpet for almost seven years, and recently began playing the piano. She is not showing improvement), art (sketching candid shots of people specifically), reading (romance and fantasy in general, but sometimes reads diaries of people and biographies), socializing (she isn't satisfied with just sitting with another person at her house. She needs to talk to them and do something with them), being outside (she has always enjoyed a good, intense hike), soccer (she's been playing since she was six), and cross-country running (also since she was six), and astronomy (people think she's weird she knows so much about it).
Dislikes: dogs (she got bit when she was little, and just doesn't like them in general. She thinks they smell), horror movies ("eww, gross!" is heard a lot when she's forced to watch them), and being cold (she hates winter with a passion).
Okay. I think that looks good... if I'm missing anything else that's so glaringly obvious, just tell me xD
It's fine that you can't send it to me right away biggrin
Lol. That's funny. Like it. Umm....I think I want them to be in Greece. xp I just love that place. Well, they're still American, I mean, Morgan, if you want to. Her father has an interest in buildings so they went to live in Greece. Greece has some architectural splendor. But Erik would be a Greek. Half Greek. His dad is an American. 4laugh So, here goes Erik's character profile:
Name: Erik Phantom
Date of Birth: December 18, 1990
Age: 20
Home: Athen, Greece
Parents: Elissa and Conrad Phantom
Physical Attributes: Dark curly hairs, dark eyes, tanned skin, muscular,
tall=6 feet 2 inches
Bio: (to be continued)
Sorry. sweatdrop
Oh, yeah. I never though of having them in Europe, but that sounds awesome!
I should add Morgan's physical attributes...
P.A.: red-brown wavy hair, gray eyes, freckled and pale, fit and thin. Height: 5 ft 4 in.
It's fine that you're busy. I just wanted to let you know that on Wednesday the 22nd(...?) I'm leaving on a camping trip until that Sunday. So, I'll be gone again.
. Erik was the youngest son of the Phantom household. He knew that he could never be the next successor of the family business being the youngest.
. He was a quiet person who talked only when he felt he had to. He socialised less and hardly smile. When he did talked to someone, it was always to someone who would benefit the family business. For example, at school, he talked to his classmates who's parents were business friends to the Phantom household.
. Though he lived in Greek since little, he was always interested with his father American background. He followed his father to visit USA sometime. Moreover, his family had a big ranching business in USA. That was also how Erik got to love horses that were available at the ranch.
. Knowing that he would never be the next successor of the family business, he took a degree in architecture. He became an apprentice to Morgan's father.
. He was very passionate about whatever he was working on. He was the type of person who cared more about his work or career. During his stay with Morgan and his father, he mostly followed Thomas Tabitz to work, reading books on architecture in the study, deigning buildings, and
locking himself in his room. Morgan sometime came to his room asking if he would need anything. Although he found that Morgan was disturbing his peace, he always answered her politely.
. He thought of Morgan as the little sister that he never had. He was sorry to see her left to a private school but he masked his emotions well.
. After the 6 months stay with the Tabitz, Erik went back to his family. A week after that, his eldest brother, Edward died. His car fell off the cliff. Conrad Phantom had become the head of the Phantom household again and managed the business. Erik and his carefree elder brother, Edwin decided that they would help their father with the business. Erik knew that his father would need him in the future if not as the next successor, to assist Edwin who might become the next successor. So, he let go of his dream to be an architect and ventured into business.
. Few years later, Erik held a party to celebrate the completion of his new built ship which was designed by Thomas Tabitz. The party was held on the new ship. Thomas told Erik that he could not come for the party as he was expecting the arrival of his daughter, Morgan who had finally came home after finishing her study at the private school. This made Erik ordered Morgan to be sent to the ship in his helicopter as soon as she arrived at the airport.
. The first time Erik met Morgan again after a few years, he was startled to find that she was no longer the kind little girl who he thought as his sister, but a grown beautiful woman whom he fell in love with.
Likes: Horses, animals, plays guitar (the only music instrument that he could bring around in his business), architecture stuff, reading, perfection
Dislikes: Rainy days (he felt melancholic), imperfection
Is that okay? I'm not so good in describing things. So, Greece is okay?
xd and, I like Morgan's red brown wavy hair.
Oh, yeah. Greece is fine.
It's good to me. I think it's alright on terms of descriptions.
I can't tell if that was sarcasm or not. xD I mean a reddish-brown, y'know? not red and brown at the same time... ^^'
No. Not a sarcasm. Have you watched the movie 'The Perfume: The Story of A Murderer'? There is this one girl in that movie, I think the last victim of the murderer. Well, she has this curly red hair. She's really pretty. The colour of the hair suits her white pale skin and blue eyes. She looks so beautiful! wink
No, I've never seen it.. I've never even heard of it xD
Anyway.... I think we're getting pretty close to starting up on this.
You better Google up the movie or the actress, Rachel Hurd-Wood for the imagination on how Morgan looks like blaugh .'s the photos of her:

Imagine that's Morgan! Woah! Yep, hmm...would you like to start it first?
That's basically what I was imagining of her xD
I'm no good at starting things, so if you want to do so, you should feel free.
I've got all this in my journal, so you should probably erase all of it.