Taste the Kisses of Moonlight
I dreamed a dream that the sea engulfed the world. The sky and heavens crashed down and dissolved into its deep blue waves and the starfish pretended they were constellations. The ocean's cries bashed against empty shores and coughed up whales and pollution and hurricanes, while its salty tears seeped through the golden grains of sand. The moon pulled the ocean's arm-like waves higher and higher into the sky, almost touching chill arm to cold face. The blazing coral reefs inside the ocean's chest and the cold moonstone inside the moon's yearned for the day they could together taste the midnight air and sparkling kisses of moonlight. The sea then climbed its way to the highest cliff and tumbled off, wanting to strip itself of its foamy bounds and soar away into the air. Or one day drown itself in seaweed and evaporate into the night sky. The moon reflected its ivory shape into the sea's dark abyss, forever engraving a memory into the water. The silvery strands of moonlight streamed into the oceans veins of fish and coral and lit up the darkness and dried up its salty tears. All the sea wanted to do was become a thunderstorm and rain itself onto the moon. And the moon wanted was to become a black hole and suck up the vast ocean and keep it for itself. So the sea began spread itself wide into the atmosphere and wrapped up the moon in a blanket of mist, meshing together to create a sea of stars.