It took me almost a YEAR to finally decide to play Batman Arkham Asylum. Pretty bad-a** game! Riddler (although he's my fav) is annoying! i wanna find him and shove a stick up his narcissistic-a**! Scarecrow gives me the creeps. I'm LITERALLY afraid of that guy! I can't advance through his world without having my little cousin taunting me and making fun of me, every time i flinch... but you have to admit he is kinda cool. (must. resist. poking. Scarecrow! O.o' ) Well, that's all I've been doing for the past two days when I'm not on Gaia. Kicking back, relaxing, playing Batman until I get pissed off big and break the PS3 when I can't solve the riddles! (hey! look! Is that a trophy?) Peace out guys!