Anyhoo hoos.
yes, I still love stargate. Did you honestly think that would change? You're nuts. razz
How dare you think I'd forget about our beloved BURD.

Ra: Oh no, you better not have....OR I WILL DESTROY YOU!
Butterfly: Oh calm down, I have NOT.
And now we have the beloved COOOW.

Hathor: YOU!
RA: YOU! I thought i locked you away forever.
Hathor: I thought you were DEAD!
Ra: I did not die! how dare you say so.
Hathor: But I heard you drank pepsi and exploded like most burds!
Ra: I am not that weak! you defy me, snake!
Butterfly: hey, shes' not the snake, she's a cow. Get it right. Now here is the SNAAAKE.

Ra and Hathor: APOPHIS! * snarl growl squawk MOOOO! *
Apophis: * hiss snarl hiss*
Hathor: MOOOOOO!!!!
Butterfly: Oh why don't you settle this like most goul'd gods and use your weird gem hand things to make each other fly against walls!
* boom*
Butterfly: they are all KO'd for the moment. so now...down to business.
Anyhoo, things are good. Very good. I has a boyfriend now.
Ra: You what?
Butterfly: GO BACK TO SLEEP RA, you're girlfriend is HATHOR! * holds out goul'd device, then obtains a staff weapon and holds it against Ra's throat* Hurt him and die. You don't want to die do you?
Ra: Like you can kill me.
Butterfly: Oh I can. I can make you dissappear if I wanted too. I have magicks! Oh. and so does Aj. He can use FIRE!
Ra: Right, like a measly little girl like you can go against a race so advanced.
Butterfly: Test me.
* Ra runs off to hurt Aj. Suddenly water out of nowhere engulfs him and he is trapped in a giant watery bubble. Ra almost drowns. I decide to have mercy and let him go.*
Butterfly: that's a warning.
Anyway, I gotta make sure these three don't kill eachother, later.
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