Tenth month of the year. Its so fast! Almost.. 2010. Almost.. Christmas. Almost.. my birthday? Almost.. Graduation! Almost.. End of school Almost.. Summer! Almost.. Spring! Almost.. Autumn. And almost winter again.
..of a joyous and hyper person..and un-sensible Okay *jumps up and down* It is snow day. Today. Snow day. SNOW! How I love snow. I can make snowmen at last! And snow. SNOW. SNOW. All I can think of right now is snow. I'm just very happy. Yes. VERY VERY. That there is no school today. All thanks to SNOW! I even wake up early this morning, like 5:30! Because I thought there is school. BUt there isn't. PARTY! Party? There is a party? *dresses up as a clown* WHOO-HOOOOO!!!
I'm the puppet of: -Gullible GingerBread- My name is: Lucy I am This Many: 18 I'm a: human Look at Me:  This Is Me: (Pers) I'm From: (Bio) What Else?: (other)
-Gullible GingerBread- · Wed Dec 09, 2009 @ 11:50am · 0 Comments |