I LOVE getting avi art. <3
Ive bought all this art, so please dont steal any of it.
I will beat you with a giant mallet & my beaver minions will gnaw off your limbs. I:
I suggest you dont anger them... Or me. xD
Heres what ive collected so far:

by iiMurawr

gift. (:

by Chimiiki

by Xariku

by butterfliess.`

by melonkitty

by x_AN0R3XIC

by CookieJuliet

by Miss-Key

this was a freebie; but idr who from. -w-

by Luciine

by ElectricSexInYourPants

i dont remember who drew this.. ; w ;

by f l a n - c h a n

by Fionaboo

by birr09

by pr3m0rse

by robot oeuf

by Scathermeyer Eugen