The world can be a harsh place…
A cold, unfriendly, tricky, malicious realm of insanity where the master is Fate and you are the pathetically stubborn little ant struggling to hold on to what you love. Let’s pretend for a moment that that ant isn’t me…
Let us imagine that I am a warrior able to protect that which I love, that I am not surrounded by an impenetrable cloak of darkness, hate, worry, tears, and terror…
Imagine that I am the person I pretend to be, I am strong, fierce, happy, healthy, and unafraid. That I can protect every one, and I know beyond all hope and doubt that everything will work out fine. Pretend for me, that I can handle anything; I can climb any mountain, walk through any fire or storm, fight any battle, and undo every knot. Ok, now let’s be honest and face the cold reality of things.
I am a girl struggling alongside everyone else, dragging my fears behind me and being slowed down by them. I am not a lion, I am not a wall, I am not a mother or an Angel. I am a human being like every one of you I have made mistakes and have many more too make in the future, I cry at least once a day , I am sick, I am an animal lover, I am a student, and a friend. I break down like everyone else, I fail at times, I lose hope in the darkest hours, and I am afraid…
But i know i am not alone, and that keeps me hanging on the the tiniest threads of hope when all i want to do is give in to the word and die. life is harsh yes, trust me i know, but in the end...we all have to live it.
A cold, unfriendly, tricky, malicious realm of insanity where the master is Fate and you are the pathetically stubborn little ant struggling to hold on to what you love. Let’s pretend for a moment that that ant isn’t me…
Let us imagine that I am a warrior able to protect that which I love, that I am not surrounded by an impenetrable cloak of darkness, hate, worry, tears, and terror…
Imagine that I am the person I pretend to be, I am strong, fierce, happy, healthy, and unafraid. That I can protect every one, and I know beyond all hope and doubt that everything will work out fine. Pretend for me, that I can handle anything; I can climb any mountain, walk through any fire or storm, fight any battle, and undo every knot. Ok, now let’s be honest and face the cold reality of things.
I am a girl struggling alongside everyone else, dragging my fears behind me and being slowed down by them. I am not a lion, I am not a wall, I am not a mother or an Angel. I am a human being like every one of you I have made mistakes and have many more too make in the future, I cry at least once a day , I am sick, I am an animal lover, I am a student, and a friend. I break down like everyone else, I fail at times, I lose hope in the darkest hours, and I am afraid…
But i know i am not alone, and that keeps me hanging on the the tiniest threads of hope when all i want to do is give in to the word and die. life is harsh yes, trust me i know, but in the end...we all have to live it.
-thank you for listining to my insane rantings...

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