Seeing as I've been having quite a few dreams recently, I thought I'd write them down, so I could look back in years to come and think, how odd. Anyway, here are some that I've had recently...
Dream 1
I was sitting at a computer somewhere, drawing using a graphics tablet. A girl came up behind me and asked if I could help her with something on her computer. I said I'd do my best and went over to look at what the problem was. She sat in the chair infront of the screen, and I stood behind her looking over her shoulder at the computer screen. The program she was attempting to use seemed to be recalibrating itself or something... I was thoughrouly confused. The girl looked up at me expectantly. I didn't want to appear totally useless, so I made an educated guess at what to do, and left it at that.
I went to sit back down at my computer, and noticed that one of my teeth (the one infront of my right canine) was feeling a bit wobbley. Soon this wobbly feeling got much worse, untill I felt certain that it would fall out, so I tried holding it in with my tounge. Eventually, it came loose and fell out onto the keyboard with a load of blood. I looked down at it, and thought "s**t... This will be a hell of a job to clean up... All the blood is going down between all the keys..."
Dream 2
The weather was quite Summery and pleasant, and I seemed to be on the bus going somewhere, but I soon realised that the bus wasn't going to where I wanted to go. So I decided to get off before I got any further from where I wanted to be. The bus dropped me off at a lay-by next to the road. The area I was in was densely wooded with desiduous trees. A dirt path led off into the forest not far from where I was standing - I decided to follow it. Soon I came to an area where there seemed to be some very old moss covered remains of what might once have been a building and some low walls. The trees around me were tall, slender and straight, and dappled sunlight filtered through the vivid green canopy high above. The air was warm with a slight breeze. I sat down on a moss covered rock to decide what I should do next. I noticed that an old televisoin screen and computer monitor (one of the really huge old ones) had been dumped near by. Suddenly, I heard the sound of a child laughing. I followed the sound to the edge of the forest where I could see a paved area with a wooden picknick table in it. Seated around the table were a young couple with a boy of about 6 years old. They seemed to have just come back from a trip to Alto Towers theme park - they had with them various bags and souvineers with the Alton Towers logo on. Beyond them was a medium sized one story building and the road. Beyond that there was a steep hillside with various trees and bushes growing on it. The people at the picknick table hadn't seen me, so I set off again without saying hello.
Soon I was climbing the hills of a barren moore land. I pulled myself up a particularly steep part next to a lake, and almost fell in several times. The sky was quite cloudy now, and it was much cooler and more windy. The ground beneath me was damp and very mossy, and there was a lot of old yellowish brown grass growing out of it. As I hauled myself up the hill, leaving the lake behind me, water oozed out of the moss as I grabbed hold of it. When I got to the top, I stopped to catch my breath, and survayed the scenary with dismay. Streching out for miles ahed of me was open mooreland, dipping into a slight valley before me. Just as I resolved to carry on, I was given the gift of the dragon. It seemed the lake I had passed earlier was the home to the Lady of the Lake. I was gratefull, transformed into a blue and white mottled dragon and flew off. Sometime later I came back with a friend, whom I had decided to share the gift of the dragon with. We soared towards the lake. I could feel the wind blowing over my wings. As we neared the lake, I tilted my wings foreward slightly, catching the thermals and rising above the top of the hill where the lake was. We landed next to the lake. I was feeling quite exited that my friend would finally meet the Lady of the Lake. When she appeared, she didn't seem to approve... she said something about my friend's front legs being too stumpy...
Bluetabbycat · Sat Oct 03, 2009 @ 11:35pm · 0 Comments |