I'll never forget the first day of sophmore religion class...
she made us read something out loud... I had to go first.
I hated reading things out loud unless they were things i had written. But this, i had written, and this i didnt feel like reading in front of the entire class...
...so i didnt. She told the guidance counselor who confronted me later...
and her first test? I didnt know the 6 things, so i failed.
The six things are:
Sexual Permissiveness
Belief in technological fixes
Immediate Gratification
and... gosh. i cant remember the other two right now. sad
But i memorized them. And religion class was a breeeze.
She loved showing us lifetime movies (SHES TOO YOUNG!! BEST ONE EVAH! XD), and 7th heaven,and touched by an angel and documentaries and news stories
and even the saddest, grosest, evilest thing ive ever seen in my life... which was actual footage of people cleaning up after the holocaust.
(we didnt know whether to cry or throw up... it was terrible.)
And every day, someone would ask "So, how was Tootsie this morning?"
Ms. B loved Tootsie more than anything in the world. Even more than Brad Pitt. XD
She always told us about Tootsies medical problems, and how she didnt like going out in the snow,
she spent more money on Tootsie prolly than on herself...
Ms. B always...
-stood in front of the projector when we were taking notes... so i couldnt see what they said and Kerry would have to tell me.
-Let us eat in her classroom as long as we made sure that Sr. Jean didnt catch us.
-kept a pic of Brad Pitt taped to the inside of her bookshelf, next to the hand sanitizer
-had coughdrops and tissues locked away in a file cabinet
-went "mmmmmmmhh" when we asked her bout Brad Pitt
-Shook her head "no"
-made us laugh
-told us stories about how she used to work in New York city
-made us read stories, going one at a time around the room
-showed us a movie almost every week
Things i remember/learned:
the three trees,
shes too young
that holocaust video
too young to be a dad-we never finished watching... on the last day of school we wouldve finished but she insisted in showing us a part we'd already seen
Freddie the Leaf-everything dies sometime
Brad Pitt is the sexiest man on the planet
Tootsie is the single most important thing on the planet
...and much more
: )
We love you Ms B.
rest in peace. <3
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