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Zero's Liber Chaotica
The place where I write things....
For those of you who read this and arn't in the RDS here is my bio aka short novel

Name: Zero Meta Omega
Age: 522 (appears to be 21)
Race: Chaos

Appearance: 6'3 with scars covering his entire upper torso. A scar over his heart is highly evident. His blonde hair reachs down most of his back and his eyes are a cold Greenish Grey but are now normally a soft Jade. He wears a overcoat with no shirt, black pants and boots. In addition he also wears thin shades and fist wraps that can be carved with Chaotic runes.

Weight: 210 lbs

Weapons: The Slayer of Kings, Azuria

Armor: Armour of Morkar, Helm of Domination, Eye of Sheerian

Fighting Style: Tae Kwon Do mixed with street fighting

Special Abilities: Breath of Life: One of the most bizzare gifts granted by Tzeentch, it grants Zero with the power of regeneration ((Not instant mind you)) but also anyone he comes within physical contact with also gains this ability for the duration. It looks like golden strains that come out of the wound and pull it closed. It is also said that if he is felled in battle, if Tzeentch wills it so, that he will beable to cling to life.

Eye of Tzeentch: This gift is from the Great Schemer also. Zero can make this flaming eye in the palm of his hand out of the multicolored flames of the same god. This grants him the ability to see almost anywhere at anytime but it can also be hampered by places that block out magical energy.

Wings: They were originally close to a Bloodthirster's wings, large bone on the tops with membrane and such, and with a Rainbow Crystal edgeing but recently they have becomed stronger and feathered. They are a deep jet with feathers that are also Purple, Red, Blue, and Green. They rip out of his back when he uses them and when they need to be put away they look as if they break in upon themselves

Chaos Energy: Although the VAST majority of this is bound inside his body there is still enough for the Winds of Magic to bend and wane at times. His strength comes from this as does his seemingly ageless body. Being mortal now he does have his limits though they are not to hindering, his muscles are infused with the energy and have strengthed them past anyother for his wieght. If he releses the Chaos Energy it has several negitive effects on the enviroment around it. They can be time distortion, Impaired Winds of Magic, Petrification wherever he goes, the air becomes thick and almost unbreathable, Daemons start becomeing attracted to the source, it gets lost control of and finds its own way to vent from his body, and the Spirit-essence of Chaos

Spirit-essence of Chaos: This only happened when his soul cannot be contained inside his body fully anymore due to the mass escapage of Chaos energy. This would not be a big cocern expect that it means that it turns violent and starts lashing, literally, at everything. It leaves giant lash marks wherever it hits becuase of the strength and power. Unfortunatly he cannot use this in a controled state since it seems to have a mind of it's own

Swordsmanship, skill, and fleetness of foot: Coming from a life that was everything lived by the sword and war Zero has developed almost unsurpassed swordsmanship and skill with a blade. He is most familiar with the Slayer of Kings and will use it whenever he can, since he is so used to the blade he can use it with nearly no effort and have it's strikes ring true. Going back to his Chaos infused strength he also has unnaturally powerful legs which give him great speed if needed.

Lore of Tzeentch: These are half of the spells he knows inside and out, they are all Fires of the God of Change, they range from a standard yellow to a multicolored flame.

Lore of the Dark Master: These are the other half of the spells that he knows (This lore is also called Master of the Shadows)

Marks of the Gods: Each God has given Zero thier mark and benefits, they are as follows; Khorne has given him an even higher taste for war to the point where he will think of nothing but killing everything, friend or foe, and will not stop until his body is obliterated. He is also given a higher resistance to malign magics directed at him. Tzeentch has given him the above mentioned gifts. Nurgle has given him immunity to all pestilance, disease, famine, plauge, and poison. Slaanesh had given him the ability to ignore the physchological affects of his opponent, he knows no fear, stupidity, confustion, or terror for anyone he will ever face.

((Note: This is not all his abilities and techniques, several of them you will have to find out about in battle))

Other info: He was built as the perfect war machine. No remorse for any deaths and to enjoy the slow delightful torture of an enemy. But when tearing off a Hunter unit's leader's head his program glitched and caused him to freeze and scream in agony. He was then defeated with a blow to the head and was studied and was ended up being reprogrammed to fight for the side of the Hunters. He can't remember much after that up until he was turned mortal by a sick scientist who stunned him and experimented on him. He implemented childhood memories into Zero's brain, not especially delightful ones. Since the operation was a success he went on fighting for good but now with the full body of a normal Human. When he was fighting one of his enemies he encountered a strange woman. Her name was Amber; he soon fell in love with her for reasons unknown and eventually married her and had a family, laying down his sword for the fight of good to only fight in dire situations. After a while they had their first children, Daron and Sapphire, and for the first time in his life Zero actually felt that he didn't have to fight for himself but for other beings, for his family. After three years they had another child, a girl by the name of Ruby. Zero was finally and fully happy and still couldn't believe that he, a feared killer, was now a father. Zero's own "father", Benedict, decided to pay a visit to Zero and drag him back to his home country to fight again. Benedict was astonished to find out that Zero was not only married but had children. Enraged, he grabbed Zero by the throat and held him up demanding answers for not knowing why he had a daughter-in-law and three grandchildren. He would have surly kept Zero there until he killed him if Amber did not plead for him and Benedict, only through the slightest bit of mercy, let Zero drop to the ground to regain his breath. Zero always cursed Benedict's name since they never exactly saw eye to eye. Months later Zero got word that Benedict was poisoned and it might kill him but to make matters worse one of his friend's is framed for the poisoning. Zero defended his friend with brutal allegiance and soon paid for it. He was accused with treason and gained a bounty on his head. When Benedict was healed he went after Zero himself. Though they were both skilled in warfare Benedict's experience bested Zero and he ran his sword through Zero's heart in front of Amber and his own children. He was rushed to a special E.R. and there he slowly recovered from his near fatal experience. He would not retaliate like normal because he did not want to risk the well being of his family. Months past and nothing happened, until one day he was pulled up before the Glactical Judges and was thrown from the plain of existence he had always been on. He awoke in a cold desolate land where nothing grew correctly and time did not flow smoothly. He had awoken in the Chaos Wastes and adopted they ways of the natives, worshipping the Chaos Gods. He rose in the eyes of the Gods as a skilled warrior and possible even great enough to unite the vast forces of Chaos and destroy the soft-bellied races of the South. After leading a death march through the Empire, slaughtering anything that opposed him, he soon met with a being know as Yawgmoth. The battle was of epic proportions and it came down to Zero and his opponent. They both interlocked in a battle that lasted for what seemed like days but Zero got the upper hand and tried to impale Yawgmoth who grabbed the Slayer of Kings with his bare hands and tried with all his might to hold it back. This struggle lasted until the power of the sword was unleashed and gave Zero the power to run the sword thru Yawgmoth's grip and through his body. He missed his heart by a mere inch and only pierced his lung. As punishment for his failure Zero was damned with Daemonhood. Even though Daemonhood is the ultimate goal for most followers of Chaos he has no intention of becoming one. So Zero became the First and Only Exiled Daemon of Chaos, damned for all eternity to be nothing more then a puppet of the Dark Gods. He now lives with his wife, Angel, whom he married on the 20th of November. He is also playing the role as "Daddy" to Kai, a child who was the result of a raping by Mal in Leon's body. He and Angel adopted a baby neko named Kaze and has determined that she looks alot like Solis, maybe it's just the purple hair and the nekoness that causes it. They are also expecting children of thier own soon, it has been determined that it will be twins. His Daemon, Abaddon, is now no longer a problem he has destroyed him meaning that thier souls were ripped apart from eachother and he was thrown back to the Warp. Now he is fully mortal and under the new punishment of eternal agony. On December the 9th 2005 his first children with Angel were born. It was twins, Vasha and Destiny.

Slayer of Kings-
Inside this blade is trapped the greater daemon U'zuhl, bound to the blade by the Second Chosen, Vangel, who fell in battle against Gromrir Goldfist. Aeons of improsionment inside the blade have driven the daemon insane with rage. In battle, the blade moans with barely contained fury. The sword tears through ANY armor, including diamond and "strongest metal in the world" armors, rendering it pretty much useless.

Slayer Of Kings

Azuria- An ancient blade that was once used to destroy Vampires in sacred cerimonies of an unknown religious cult. After many years of being used the sword started to become corrupt itself. The blade was absorbing the Vampires essences and was soon becoming darker and darker until finally looks to be made of polished ebony. Now it can't even be held by anything BUT a Vampire becuase, unless it's wielder is already one, it will fill thier body with the countless energies of the slain Vampires temporarly turning it's master into one.

The Armor of Morkar-Once belonging to the First Chosen of Chaos, the Lord Morkar, who was eventually slain by Sigmar, this armour shields Zero from all but the deadliest of blows.

The Crown of Domination-An ancient battle-helm dating back to the time of Morkar, the Crown of Domination exudes an aura of raw malice, cowing the unruly servents of Chaos and terrifying the enemy.

The Eye of Sheerian-The Eye of Sheerian, named after the Tzeentchian Sorcerer who first discovered it, dates back to the time of the Old Ones, before even Chaos walked the world. Now that it has it's proper setting, the Crown of Domination, Zero can make full use of the Eye's prophetic powers.


*He took off his coat and dropped it to the ground, he sighed and as he did faint black marks on his body appeared and started to become darker, as they grew darker his body seemed to tone itself more, his muscles more defined and the viens as well, as they kept growing darker they seems to cover his upper body, they looked like sigils and signs that all connected with eachother, they looked like they were black tattoos the darker they got, purple lightning cracked from him, his eyes seemed to change too, he raised up his hands and liked up at the ceiling, the lighting shot from his finger tips up to the ceiling and it trailed back down his body, swirling around him. His eyes seemed to be fuming and his breathing seeming to give out small bursts of black fire. He clenched his hands and threw them down to his sides and they erupted in a magical flame, invisable pulses beat through the room and as he stood there his image started to come together so that a look at him would make regular men quake and fall to thier knees. The air around him, the sigils, the burning magic, they all came together to give him the look of a terrifying figure, this was was undeneth the armor, the helmet, this is what commanded the Armies of Chaos, this is the seventh Everchosen's body

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